
Pot For Peace

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[Re: News Profile, “The Long Haul,” May 28-June 3] I commend the volunteers at the Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice for their efforts. However, their attempts to change human behavior, which can be very brutal, is all in vain. As long as there are leaders like those in North Korea, Iran, Lebanon and more, nothing will change. Our government is usually the target of peaceniks while others go uncriticized. P&J needs to set up in offices in Ar Riyad, Moscow and Pyongyang. As I said previously, it will do no good and their efforts will be no more successful than an individual who died on a cross some 2,000 years ago. Their efforts should be redirected to legalizing marijuana. This might be more appreciated by the homeless they feed. I would be greatly thankful.

Letters No Swining

The stark contrast between our frenzied reaction to unfamiliar hazards and our reckless tolerance of familiar ones never ceases to amaze me.

The current incidence of swine flu, which killed five Americans, has captured the headlines, cancelled public events and closed dozens of schools. At the same time, we have blithely continued our consumption of meat and dairy products, which has been linked conclusively with elevated risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and other chronic diseases that kill 1.3 million Americans annually.

But it’s not just about chronic diseases. According to the United Nations, animal agriculture is responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, leading to catastrophic floods, droughts and sea level rises, which threaten human survival. It uses more fresh water and dumps more deadly wastes into our water supplies than all other human activities combined.

Each of us has a shared responsibility for our society’s health and welfare. The best time to exercise this responsibility is on our next trip to the supermarket, where we can explore the rich variety of meat-free and dairy-free ready-to-eat frozen dinners, veggie burgers and dogs, lunch “meats,” and plant-based cheese, ice cream and milk. Helpful transition hints and recipes galore are available at
tryveg.org and chooseveg.org.

Letters Kickass

[Re: Feature, "The Weatherman and Me," May 28-June 3] Thanks for giving me some more insight on Mark. I’ve read up on the Weather Underground (as well as many other ’60-’70s activist groups), but never looked into Mark Rudd’s life as much. This is a great piece and it’s funny to see the Che connection with him, as many young cats wear Che shirts without knowing what the hell they’re wearing. If anyone is interested, I’m going to be moderating a talk with Mark Rudd at Warehouse 21 in Santa Fe on June 23. It’s free for anyone under 30 (young folks get on it!). This article definitely has made me more excited for the event.

Letters Thank You

[Re: Feature, "What’s a Feminist Like You Doing in a Place Like This?" May 21-27] For a warm and thoughtful article about a wonderful artist. I’m glad they’re making a home in Belen because it could only be a boon to our state.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.

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