
The Don On Immigration

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I oppose treating immigrants as criminals just because they do not have legal papers. I oppose treating people who help these immigrants as criminals. I oppose a fence and wall between the U.S. and Mexico. I support full human rights for all immigrants.

If the U.S. wants to reduce the number of immigrants coming from Mexico and other nations, the U.S. needs to work for justice for the millions of poor and working people in Mexico and other nations. Instead, the U.S. government routinely and deliberately sides with the filthy rich elite abroad to rob and to kill the poor. Most immigrants would prefer to stay in their native lands if living conditions there greatly improved.

If the U.S. wants to reduce the number of immigrants from Mexico and other nations, we Americans need to change our lives to live simply and fairly in the world family of 6.7 billion people. We need to stop glamorizing U.S. greed, cars, big houses and crazy consumer crap in U.S. movies and magazines that go to Mexico and other nations. U.S. movies and magazines seduce people abroad to come here and get addicted to the stupid crap most Americans are addicted to.

Immigrants who have no legal papers often take the jobs that most Americans do not want. Many U.S. employees underpay these immigrants. Some U.S. employers call the U.S. immigration officers to arrest these immigrant employees just before payday. Some U.S. employers cheat these immigrants on their paychecks.

I reject the term “illegal aliens.” All immigrants are our sisters and brothers.

The U.S. invaded Mexico and waged war in Mexico over 150 years ago. The U.S. stole from Mexico most of what is the U.S. Southwest today. So today’s U.S. border with Mexico is illegal and resulted from the U.S. invasion, war and massive theft from Mexico in 1848. The only people in the U.S. who are not immigrants or the descendants of immigrants are full-blooded Native Americans.

Letters Mmm, Beignets

Thank you very much for the “Tales from Crescent City” article by Jessica Cassyle Carr in V.17 No. 32. I swear I could almost taste the beignets and Café Du Monde coffee as well as the fruit-loops with a big-juicy banana from the Clover Grill.

The true flavor of New Orleans is the easy friendships and, of course, the music, culture, food and myriad other things that provide both flavor and depth to the background of the City.

I found Jessica Cassyle Carr’s depiction of the friendships easily made, the 3 a.m. walks (feeling perfectly safe) back home and the easy banter from the people in perfect sync with the city. I don’t get to go to N.O. often enough to suit me; it’s been several years now.

But after having just read your article, I feel like I am there now, and I can’t wait ’til later tonight for the music to start pumpin’ outta the Cafe Lafitte.

Letters Hwjv?

The piece titled "Jesus for President" [News Profile, July 31-Aug. 6] was thought-provoking but a bit pie in the sky. The way the U.S. political system works means voting is very important, not just "damage control" as Chris Haw suggests. Each election gives us a choice among candidates: Which is the better person? Which is more like Jesus or Ghandi? Which is more realistic, more compassionate? Or you could look at it: Which is the lesser evil? While each of us tries to be good in our daily lives, we must also take part in voting or the U.S. will continue to be an unrepresentive, non-democratic plutocracy such as it is now. Maybe voting should be compulsory, as it is in Australia.

This year our choices are between the imperial warmonger and the democratic candidate for peace and positive change. Not a good year not to vote.

My other problem with the article is the very mention of Jesus. Bringing religion into politics is what the First Amendment to the Constitution tries to discourage. But McCain now has an ad basically calling Obama the antichrist, stirring the evangelicals to vote out of fear. And then there are the viral e-mails painting Obama as Muslim. Hopefully, this year the voters will get some common sense and see through such lies. And among them will be a newly involved and active youth movement tired of hypocrisy, war, environmental deterioration and an economy of, by and for the rich.

Letters The Question Needs To Be Properly Framed

[Re: Hot Polling Action #17, "Do mental disabilities deserve the same insurance coverage as other medical conditions?"] The question is, in reality, "Are you willing to pay a higher premium for your health insurance to include coverage for mental illness?"

That is the correct question because for every mandate of coverage, the actuaries employed by the insurance companies calculate the additional risk incurred by the company and adjusts the premiums accordingly.

Nothing in the world stops somebody from purchasing insurance with mental health coverage included. If you are willing to pay the price, the insurance company will be willing to sell you the product.

All insurance policies spread risk.

So are you willing to have yet another increase in health insurance premiums? That is the real question.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter.

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