Thought you would be interested in knowing that the Alibi has made it to Afghanistan … I am a member of the National Guard currently deployed to Afghanistan and serving at a small camp in the western part of the country. A couple of days ago, I went in to use the satellite phone to call home, and what do I find laying on the phone stand? A copy of the April 2-8, 2009 edition of the Alibi [Feature, “Best of Burque 2009”]! Figure this has got to be a circulation record of some kind for you guys—I mean, we are halfway around the world from Albuquerque and in the middle of nowhere. Who knew?
Letters Mj, Rip
[Re: Gene Grant, "HIStory," July 2-8] Thank you, Gene! The world so did not deserve MJ. God graced us with him!I wish I could reach his mom to suggest an epitaph:"Blessed Are the Pure of Heart, for They See God."Thank God we are left with the treasure trove of HIStory.And thank you for a beautiful and worthy tribute. People have no idea of the phenomenal legacy this real-life Peter Pan will leave in the annals of history.
Letters Derby Woes
Last year when the Roller Derby was held at the old Midnight Rodeo Club, I and my friends went several times. This year I’ve been only once. The Center in Rio Rancho is too far out in the boonies. The area is too large for the crowd that was there. Yeah, I’m being a baby, but it’s almost a two-hour drive from Albuquerque to Rio Rat Arena. Bring the Derby back to Albuquerque. Thanks.
Letters Film Fan
“You have no right to see my earnings, and if you plan to do so I want to see yours.” I am a New Mexico resident employed in the New Mexico film industry. As a founding member of IATSE 480 film local, I have seen this industry grow from working three months a year in the ’80s to 12 months a year in 2008. I have also grown with the industry, from grip, to best boy grip and now key grip. I’ve gone from learning the job to teaching the job, from being the only New Mexican on the crew to hiring people from all areas of the state—Alamogordo, Las Cruces, Taos and Roswell. Film is an integral and important part of the New Mexico economy, and people’s livelihoods. Continued attacks could significantly harm a dynamic and economically productive industry. Other states such as Texas, North Carolina and Minnesota have created incentives and have enjoyed increased film production. As the incentives were taken away, the jobs disappeared. If you have been a supporter of the industry up to this point, I would like to thank you and encourage your continued support. “Why should my tax return be public when no one else’s is?”
Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.