[Letters, " Age of Enlightenment, Anyone?," March 17-23] What that demented driver tried to do to Ann Ahlander is deplorable. On the other hand, with all due respect to free speech (and Ms. Ahlander is entitled to hers), I’d equate defacing one’s car with bumper stickers to defacing the body with tattoos. There has to be a better way to deliver the message.
Letters: Rim Shot Rim Shot
Having read The Don’s latest rant about healthy living/eating/lifestyle [Letters, “Schrader’s Favorite Shades,” March 17-23], I am left to wonder: How can we be expected to take his advice seriously when the guy, by his own admission, sticks his tongue in another person’s ass? I mean really, how healthy can this be? Taking health advice from someone who does this is like taking an ethics class from Ken Lay or Karl Rove.
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I know this is old news, but Mike Huckabee is a liar. He did not misspeak when he tried to tarnish Obama with Obama’s Kenyan roots. Later Mike walked it back. He said he misspoke when he said "Kenya." He meant to say Indonesia.But if he meant to say Indonesia, why did he say Mau Mau? There are no Mau Maus in Indonesia. And if he meant to say Indonesia, why did he refer to British colonialism? Indonesia was a Dutch colony (1603-1942).PS: Is Mike Huckabee getting fatter?
Letters: On Scientology On Scientology
[Letters, “Cultist Crap,” March 10-16] The New Yorker article is little more than a regurgitation of old allegations that have long been disproved. It is disappointing that a magazine with the reputation of The New Yorker chose to reprint such sensationalist false claims from disaffected former members.It is unfortunate, and we believe evidence of religious bias, that The New Yorker chose to introduce its readers to Scientology through the eyes of an apostate (someone religious scholars unanimously denounce as unreliable), rather than take advantage of the church’s invitation to experience its practices and humanitarian works firsthand. The New Yorker does not mention Scientology’s dozens of new churches—including its most recent opened on Jan. 29 in Melbourne, Australia—bringing Scientology’s life-saving technology to communities around the world, or its global human rights initiative, which has educated millions on human rights, or its “Truth About Drugs” crusade, teaching millions how to live drug-free, or its global Volunteer Ministers program, whose work in Haiti alone has been hailed by the international community.The one grain of truth in the article is its acknowledgment of the positive effect Scientology has had on the lives of its adherents and the world at large—that is the message of Scientology.Anyone who wants to know the true story of Scientology should find out for themselves by coming to a Church of Scientology, whose doors are always open, or going to the church’s website, scientology.org.
Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.