Victimizing the victim in domestic abuse is far from new and perhaps not so isolated [News, “Wrong Side of the Law," July 29-Aug. 4]. I was arrested on a domestic abuse call I placed in 2001. My personal information was run and I had a warrant for expired plates from three years prior. I was hauled off to jail, released back to my husband’s family. I would now classify that as kidnapping. Personally I would have rather stayed in jail.My victimization continues through the domestic violence courts and then through divorce court. I believe in my abused state, it made it much easier for the system to continue to abuse me. At the time, it seemed this was the way I should be treated.Shame on you, who continue this behavior.Lucky for me I finally had enough. Lucky for me here I am writing this. Lucky for me I kept my job, where I am still employed. Lucky for me my kids turned out all right. Lucky for me I now have a quiet and stable life.Lucky for me I was not deported.
Letters: Roky Erickson Roky Erickson
You guys don’t have to print this, since the article [Music, “We Did Miss You, Roky Erickson,” May 27-June 2] is old news, but my mom just sent me the Roky clipping out of the Alibi . I am an Albuquerque native and have been Roky’s guitar player from 1980 on and off again until 2007. My band, The Explosives, has had the longest tenure of any band with Roky, including the Elevators. (See “Austin City Limits,” Jan. 2008.) You won’t find much about us in print—we are not what you might call squeaky wheels, and we never have kissed up to the media, but we have been the band that kept Roky on his own musical path and inspired him to excel when others wanted to exploit him as a medium for their own agendas, or competed with him in their quest for personal dissipation. Roky has always been (and likes to be) surrounded by the worshipping faithful. When we played with Roky, we treated him like a member of the band, not our godfather, and he responded with professionalism and mutual respect. He has always been susceptible to the flattering manipulations of those who claim to have his best interests at heart, and fortunately his brother Sumner and his son Jegar have been there at critical moments to see him through. But Roky doesn’t like to take his medicines, and in the absence of proper medication and the social support required to keep him on it, he does not rise to the responsibilities and performance levels of a living legend. We no longer play with Roky because A) his management wanted a younger and hungrier band (not a problem for us), and B) he stopped taking his medication and became sullen and withdrawn, a condition we cannot tolerate. Although the current album is not the kind we would have made with (not "for") Roky, we are happy for the attention and hopefully the financial security that may come to Roky because of it.Although few will ever know the real Roky Erickson story, the one that is out there is not bad. I hope Roky’s voice and vision will continue to inspire young musicians and poets as it did The Who, Led Zeppelin and so many other more famous rock legends.
Letters: The Program Is Not A “Hanging Out” Program—Get With The Program! The Program Is Not A “Hanging Out” Program—Get With The Program!
I realize that the Culture Shock section [ Arts, July 22-28] isn’t a particularly serious one at the Alibi, and I was pleased to see mention of Augustine Romero’s participation in our Latino Museum Studies Program, but I have to say I was a little miffed by Patricia Sauthoff’s characterization of Augustine’s participation as Romero and 14 other curators “hanging out for a month with each other.” Actually, our program is a rigorous, intensive four-week professional development program covering program development, curatorial strategies, conservation, repatriation, exhibit design, collections and archives, educational programs, among other topics, with a hands-on practicum. Perhaps you would like to see the program? My concern is that the casual reader will think that the Smithsonian Latino Center is into bringing arts and cultural professionals here to D.C. so they can "hang out." Worse yet, Ms. Sauthoff’s piece conveys the notion that Augustine takes his professional development and responsibility to serve the Albuquerque community less than seriously!
Letters: No Shot At Sarah Palin Is Cheap No Shot At Sarah Palin Is Cheap
I have just read John Bear’s article in the Alibi [Opinion, “I, Fired,” July 29-Aug. 4]. What a well-written article. I don’t know why John is (almost) unemployed, but maybe there is a just a little (like Robert [Dinero]) clue in the last paragraph. His article talked about ideas and a free press but then he shuts out discussion of public policy because one idea is a Republican idea, which he also misrepresents.Republicans were not against the last extension of unemployment benefits. They wanted the money for unemployment benefits to not add to the already tremendous deficit but to keep it deficit-neutral by reducing "planned" spending for other programs. Not a bad idea. And the issue of ending (or reducing) unemployment benefits is a legitimate issue for discussion.And of course, why pass up the opportunity for a cheap shot at Sarah Palin when you can slip one in?Good luck John in getting suitable employment, though if these Obama policies continue it may be a while.
Letters: Refreshingly Depressing Refreshingly Depressing
I did not have an Alibi account before this, and have thus not ever commented on any articles before, but I felt the strong need to say how much I appreciate John Bear’s articles [Opinion, “I, Fired,” July 29-Aug. 4]. Whenever I see he has a piece printed I read it with relish! While I try to not live my life wallowing endlessly in my woes, his honesty about his problems and the self-deprecating style in which he discusses them are soooo refreshing to read and make me feel better about having insecurities of my own. Thanks for the great articles—they make me laugh AND think! Good luck with the job hunt.
Letters: Crime Novels Are, Duh, Violent Crime Novels Are, Duh, Violent
Jovita’s comments [ Letters, “Boo, Stieg Larsson,” July 29-Aug. 4] on The Girl Who Played With Fire movie are bizarre. Anyone who has read one or all three of Stieg Larsson’s novels knows how talented a writer he was. The plot is never simple, the endings cannot be predicted and the loose ends take all three novels to be tied up. The violence is typical for crime/detective novels, far less than the wars and crimes on the evening news, and far less than slasher/splatter films. Be that as it may be, no one reads Larsson’s books or sees the movies "because they think it’s cool to be reading a ‘Swedish author’ and fancy themselves as so intellectual to be doing so.” The novels are realistically intelligent. The characters are complex, intelligent and multidimensional. Lisbeth Salander, "The Girl … " in the stories, is possibly the most interesting crime novel character ever invented. She is a bit twisted, yes, but rightfully so. She is more intelligent than most, fiercely independent and can take care of herself better than any person I’ve ever read about. She’s not perfect, but, wow, what a character! Journalist Blomkvist draws her out in a totally believable sequence of events, against her will, but ultimately by establishing trust. The multiple storylines in each novel are well thought out, well researched, and well told. Are you kidding, Jovita? This is superb writing, well worth any fiction reader’s time. Movies are movies; you missed out by not reading at least one of the actual books.
Letters: Have You Seen The Stolen Slabs? Have You Seen The Stolen Slabs?
Bernalillo County is asking for the media and public to help us recover some stolen property. During the overnight hours someone disassembled bleachers located Atrisco Park on 229 Atrisco SW. The bandit took off with 22 slabs of aluminum. The 15-foot slabs were the footsteps on the bleachers. Replacing the slabs will cost the county and tax payers approximately $5,000. We have contacted the Sheriff’s department, and we’ll be filing a report. If you have seen the slabs or any suspicious activity please contact the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department. Thank you in advance for your help and consideration.
Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.