Letters: Gary Johnson Should/Should Not Be Prez, Actualizing Jobs

Trillion-Dollar Shortfall

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[Re: Feature, “Righter Than Right, Lefter Than Left,” July 5-11] Gary Johnson will never be president. Why is he running? He doesn’t seem to have given much consideration to a key part of his platform.

In his
Alibi interview he says he is promising to submit a balanced budget to Congress in 2013. This year, the deficit will be about $1.3 trillion. When asked about "minimal government," Johnson said he specifically wants to eliminate the Departments of Homeland Security, Education, and Housing and Urban Development. The combined budgets of these three Departments is $168 billion. That’s a long way from $1.3 trillion. Where is our esteemed ex-guv going to find the rest of his savings?

Letters: De Jure Discrimination De Jure Discrimination

[Re: Feature, “Righter Than Right, Lefter Than Left,” July 5-11] Good article, but it has one unanswered question: Where does Johnson stand on the Sexist, I mean, Selective Service draft registration requirement? It singles out young men born during or after 1960—solely because of their gender and post-1959 birth date—to register for a possible draft or face loss in student aid and, in some cases, even admission to a state-run college, driver’s licenses or public sector jobs. This is blatant de jure discrimination that violates the whole concept of equal protection under the law regardless of one’s gender, race or other immutable category. Johnson and all other candidates need to speak out against this law and do something about it!

Letters: Gary Johnson Has My Vote Gary Johnson Has My Vote

[Re: Feature, “Righter Than Right, Lefter Than Left,” July 5-11] Obama has failed us in so many ways, it’s becoming laughable. Mitt Romney isn’t even a serious candidate to the thinking individual.

Gary Johnson represents common sense government that I’m willing to enthusiastically get behind.

Letters: Workforce Revolution Workforce Revolution

At a time when many people have been out of work for a considerable period, the traditional job-hunting tactics are only working for a fortunate few. One of those, the job fair, calls for dressing up, carrying a stack of résumés and standing in a line with other jobseekers in hopes of impressing someone who already has a job to offer them one. It can be disheartening and, at its worst, humiliating.

I am suggesting something different. The current financial climate may provide some people with jobs and benefits and a return to the life they had. However, for many of us, this wrenching change is, in fact, an opportunity in disguise; a chance to reconsider the lives we have been leading and, like detectives, to rediscover the ideas and aspirations that we have held inside. Many of us have set aside those ambitions as fantasies to explore when we retire. But now is the time to explore them. And monetize them.  

What I propose is forming a networking group that meets regularly to investigate what we as individuals want to do with our lives. And then to encourage, assist and share our complementary skill sets with each other—forming teams around small business ideas to actualize them.  

I am looking for people who want to do this with me. There is no charge. Veterans and 50-plus, company representatives and venture capitalists are all welcome. You can do it at the same time you’re sending out résumés. Or looking for another job. The day, hour and location will be shared with those who make contact. Please respond or ask questions at reinventingdestiny@gmail.com.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via email to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.

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