Letters: #Gopvalues


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After the shooting in San Bernardino California in 2015, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez slammed the president for politicizing the tragic attack on Americans by calling for gun control measures.

Almost three years later, after a failed pipe bombing in New York, President Trump is calling for tougher immigration measures. Why does Gov. Martinez suddenly have nothing to say?

After the worst mass shooting in American history, this year, in Las Vegas, Gov. Martinez didn’t even offer her thoughts and prayers like most National Rifle Association Republicans often do.

When President Trump politicizes a tragedy, why doesn’t Gov. Martinez hold him to the same strict standards she held President Obama to? Gov. Martinez has been on just about every side of either supporting or denouncing our current president, so perhaps she’s just trying to finish her last year in public office, with no more PR disasters like 5 star burgers or her infamous peetza party!

Given her silence on the Roy Moore candidate, is it fair to ask if she condones child predation?

Letters: Who’s The Terrorist? Who’s The Terrorist?

If we lived in North Korea and we heard the US president with thousands of nuclear bombs at his command threaten to mass murder our nation of 25 million women, men and children when he spoke fore the whole world at the United Nations [earlier this year], how would we feel? Talk about violent gangs and drug cartels! Talk about Hitler and Stalin! Talk about ISIS and international terrorism! How many US preachers, priests, rabbis, mainstream media have the conscience and the courage to publicly damn Trump’s insanely evil threats? How many in Congress have publicly damned Trump’s evil words? Instead, Congress, including sadly both New Mexico Senators Heinrich and Udall, voted for 700 billion dollars for the US to terrorize, cripple, blind, paralyze, make homeless and murder worldwide. Is this treating other people as we want to be treated? Is Trump, who threatened to murder 25 million people and has thousands of nuclear bombs at his command, less dangerous than the deranged Las Vegas gunman who brutally shot hundreds of people? I hate guns. I have never owned a gun and never plan to. I have paid no federal income tax for 28 years. I refuse to pay for war and nuclear bombs.

Letters: Unlock Your Pre-Loaded Amazon Card By Midnight Unlock Your Pre-Loaded Amazon Card By Midnight

Amazon Card Reminder: We close the current reward program entry today at midnight.

Final Step: To unlock your pre-loaded Amazon card please let us know your opinion.

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Letters: Letters Response Letters Response

Thanks for the heads up, Patrick. But we’re pretty sure this is intended for Mrs. Letters. She’s the Amazon shopper in the family. Don’t worry. We’ll pass along the info.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via email to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.

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