Letters: Local Poet To Dr. King

Local Poet To Dr. King

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“Where is My Dream?”

Hunger, pain, discomfort and exhaustion,

Rejection, isolation, worry, fear and crime.

Anger, frustration, exclusion and rejection.

Abuse and insecurity haunt me all the time.

Illnesses, crowding and family stress

Sleeping on hard floors, unexpected guests.

Arguing, fighting, trembling and fright.

Cold, rats and roaches wait for me at night.

Only an education can give me a real voice

Truth’s always louder than meaningless noise

Denouncing unfairness I need to be bold

Never using violence ‘cause peace is like gold.

Injustices, prejudice, hate, discrimination.

Evils that prowl and injure this great nation

Divisive rhetoric producing alienation

We traded role models for blatant aberrations.

My teachers will stand up if someone is mistreated

Their hearts with compassion not easily defeated

We are never going back mistakes won’t be repeated

We shall overcome. We will not be maltreated.

The counterfeit values of “justice” are out

We must pay attention, denounce them and shout

“The blood of our heroes did not run in vain.

The chains of racism we will fight again.”

Feelings of anxiety, with poor self-esteem

Rejected, forbidden, not part of the team

I wish he could hear me. I wish I could scream

Your dream is in danger…..
my Dear Dr. KING.

Letters: Pussy Power Pussy Power

I participated in the Women’s March on Jan. 21 in Albuquerque at the Civic Center. Since then, I have seen a lot of women on Facebook complain about vulgarity. I want to let women in my area know that the use of the word “pussy” was not to be vulgar. President Trump’s use of the word “pussy” was vulgar. The Women’s March was about getting rid of vulgarity by taking back that word and using it to empower women all over the country. The march in ABQ was not a march but a demonstration in support of many things like equality, tolerance for the LBGQT community, environmental concerns, concern for the next generation of children, and women’s health and the ability to make decisions for our own bodies for things like abortion. This is just the tip of the iceberg. This is about American people feeling scared to have a “leader” like Donald Trump. There are millions of people out here who do not feel like they are being accurately represented by a political figure like Trump, and I am one of them. That being said, let’s keep taking strides to remove real vulgarities from politics and replace them with empowerment and solidarity. Pussies are powerful, and let’s not forget that every single man and woman on the planet was born of a beautiful glorious vagina.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via email to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.

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