Letters: No Probation For Duran

No Probation For Duran

2 min read
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Convicted felon and ex-Secretary of State Dianna Duran is asking to be spared prison time. She seems to be under the impression that her long career in elected office deserves probation. Her argument for probation is, in actuality, the best argument for prison time. She not only violated the law, but also the public trust. She can rebuild public trust by serving time—trust in the judicial system.

Letters: Hooray For Maggie! Hooray For Maggie!

As a writer who enjoys good writers and an eater who loves fresh food, I appreciated Maggie Grimason’s review of Vital Foods. (Unfortunately, I rarely eat out—I’m a teacher for Pete’s sake and I can’t afford to—though I still love restaurant reviews.) Maggie’s writing was clear and smart, genuine and warm. Ty Bannerman comes across similarly, though he obviously has his distinct voice. I look forward to future reviews by both of ’em.

Letters: Looking For Books Looking For Books

I heard from the New Mexico Book Co-op that no locally written books made your recent Gift Guide. As a local author and strong supporter of all my fellow Albuquerque and New Mexico authors, I urge you to join in to support at least a few of the many excellent local writers. Being a local paper, I would expect you to be particularly supportive of our authors. Please consider us in your next Gift Guide.

Letters: Ty Bannerman Responds Ty Bannerman Responds

You’ll be pleased to see that this issue features a selection of locally authored books in our “Last Minute Gift Guide,” starting on page 19. Thanks for reading!

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via email to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.

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