Letters: On Nudity, Marriage Equality, The Rio Grande Foundation And Water Pollution

Nude Is The New Black

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I love living naked at home and nearly naked elsewhere when I am warm enough.

My naked, lean, healthy, well-tanned body is my favorite suit. Living naked connects me to this earth. Most humans are the only animals who feel ashamed of their naked bodies and feel compelled to cover their genitals.

Why be more ashamed of our genitals than our noses? Why be more ashamed of our ass cheeks than the cheeks on our face? I am a humble agnostic aiming to live truth as best I see it. I ask those that believe in God to ask themselves: “How can
any inch of our bodies be obscene if God created us?” Most religious people suffer from body shame and materialistic addiction. Most religious people act as if God created the head, arms and hands but the devil slapped on the genitals and possibly even torso and legs.

For thousands of years, the Native American population did not wear a lot of clothing. Most jobs in the US are rigid, often conforming to what society thinks should be appropriate. There is no bodily freedom in society.

Consider the horrendous consequences of wearing clothes not needed in warm weather: massive electricity spent on indoor cooling as well as toxic pesticides used to grow more cotton, sweatshop labor and tons of deodorant that money is wasted on.

I never want to spend summer imprisoned in sweaty clothing all over my body. When my parents were alive, I was often naked as an adult in their presence. For many years I have posed naked for universities all over the country. Living naked keeps me devoted to eating only raw plant foods and to exercising vigorously. This type of lifestyle keeps me honest and open about who I am—what nature intended me to be—naturally.

Letters: Love And Marriage Love And Marriage

My name is David Paugh, and I was recently able to be a witness to the marriage of my good friends Lawrence Rendon and Anthony Johnson. This was only possible due to the decisions made in New Mexico on same sex marriage.

I am writing this letter to the
Alibi in hopes that their story could be told. I believe that they may have been one of the first couples to have a public ceremony in Albuquerque.

On Saturday, Sept. 7, Lawrence and Tony exchanged their vows at Marble Brewery in Albuquerque. Sal Gomez officiated the ceremony. Sal, who is an ordained minister, is also a musician and friend of Tony’s, who is manager of the band Friend2Foe.

When we arrived at Marble Brewery, we were a little hesitant at first to see that the ceremony would be in front of the audience who was there for the concert. It was a little bit overwhelming. After we were brought on stage and the announcement was made that the ceremony was going to take place, we were met with overwhelming applause and cheers from the crowd. It showed to us that their union was approved by those in the audience, whether straight or gay.

This special time will always be remembered, and I hope that if their story does get told, it will give other LGBTQ couples the push to make their commitment to each other legally bound.

Letters: Re: Iso Clarification Re: Iso Clarification


Everybody has a blatant agenda. If they don’t, they’re just hiding it. What’s yours? Oh, right. You’re in favor of polluting our drinking water.

Letters: Re: Facing The Forest Service Re: Facing The Forest Service

Paul J. Gessing, CEO, ExxonMobil,

You want more oil and gas production on federal lands in New Mexico? Admit it. You’re from Texas, aren’t you?

P.S. Paul’s not the CEO of ExxonMobil. He’s actually the head of the right wing Rio Grande Foundation. I can’t tell which is worse.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via email to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.

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