I moved to New Mexico recently and was immediately in awe of the clean air, open skies and wild land of this state. I learned Otero Mesa, located in southeast New Mexico, is home to more than 1,000 native animal species and provides an incredibly diverse landscape of plant species as well. Such an ecosystem provides an invitation to New Mexicans and tourists alike to camp, hike and relax in the natural world. Sitting just below Otero Mesa is our state’s last untapped groundwater source; this source, once tapped, will provide 1 million New Mexicans with water for 100 years. Goodness knows us desert dwellers need fresh water! To my dismay I’ve discovered gas and mining companies want to open Otero Mesa for drilling and mountain top removal. This would destroy the habitats of native plant and animal species as well as flood the groundwater with toxins, making it unusable to New Mexicans. It is vital New Mexicans take a stand and push for Otero Mesa to become a national monument now. This would preserve the native plant and animal species, as well as provide a necessary water source for future generations.
Letters: The 1 Percent The 1 Percent
I find it interesting, almost amusing, to watch the bipartisan fight as to which party is responsible for the current economic condition while the real culprits laugh all the way to their banks.
Letters: Summerfest Blues Summerfest Blues
[Re: Music, “Centennial Summerfest,” June 14-20] Remember when Summerfest meant a fiesta every Saturday for the entire summer? Thanks, Mayor Barry, for confining the joy to 9.5 hours.No doubt it was the fiscally responsible thing to do, since the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t give matching funds for an Al Hurricane gig. Still, I can’t help getting nostalgic for the days when the city’s cultural policies didn’t all lead to the Citizens Review Board.
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