Letters: Primary Guide Cheers And Jeers

Why, Thank You

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Having just dug into your May 17-23 Vote Now! issue [Feature, “Primary Election Guide”], I am reminded of the high standard of journalism that you maintain. Whether the opinion pieces of Jerry Ortiz y Pino, Andrew Beale and Alex E. Limkin, or this valuable voters’ guide, you keep the public informed.

Even Don Schrader’s write-in column [Letters, May 17-23] gives us a radical perspective from the far left. In contrast to the way the dailies like the
Albuquerque Journal , USA Today , and even the New York Times have let us down, the Alibi has come through as a shining star of integrity.

The corporate media has sold us out, and the public is left to search for a good source of truthful information about what’s really going on. Keep up the good work.

Letters: Vote Griego! Vote Griego!

[RE: Feature, “Primary Election Guide,” May 17-23] Big mistake on the Alibi’s part in not endorsing Eric Griego for representative in District 1. He is a proven and real progressive. Lujan Grisham has no progressive foundation like Griego. He is the one we want to help clean up the filth in Washington, get real work done for the people—not corporations like so many of the bought politicians in D.C. Please retract your support of Lujan Grisham and correct your support for Griego.


[RE: Feature, “Primary Election Guide,” May 17-23] Hmm, when I think of Michelle Lujan Grisham, I think "politician," not "progressive." As a lifelong feminist, I always want more women running the world, but always with the understanding that you have to be careful what you ask for. (Gov. Susana Martinez and Heather Wilson worked out so well didn’t they?) We also have to be careful not to pin all our progressive hopes on a rising star. (Need I say Obama?)

Lujan Grisham’s record in the Johnson administration leaves a lot to be desired, and I can’t help wondering whether her strong stances now are because it is now safer to hold (and maybe fight for) those views. If you haven’t been observing and digging into New Mexico politics for as long as I have, perhaps those marketing materials and videos are persuasive. I expected a less superficial analysis from the
Alibi staff.


[RE: Feature, “Primary Election Guide,” May 17-23] So we should vote for Michelle Lujan Grisham because she’s a woman? Otherwise, what?

Eric Griego has demonstrated his progressive chops in every elected position he’s held. He has been unafraid to stand up to the powers-that-be and has worked hard to move legislation forward that benefits the 99 percent. He had the courage to show up and stand with the 99 percent again and again while others have simply proclaimed their support. He’s the clear environmentalist, ahead on the green economy, and he’s been identified nationally as a bulwark for the middle class. He has a record of supporting women, reproductive choice and equal rights for all.

You respect him and have supported him again and again. He has the progressive endorsements, environmental endorsements, and he is clearly the most qualified candidate. So what’s up with you?


[RE: Feature, “Primary Election Guide,” May 17-23] What a surprise—and a disappointment! The Alibi’s endorsement for Congress was misplaced. Eric Griego is the ONLY candidate in this race who I absolutely trust will be working for my great-grandchild’s future.

Letters: Budget Blather Budget Blather

Jerry Ortiz y Pino predictably attacks Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget for attempting to reduce tax rates while also cutting government spending [Re: Opinion, “Budgetary Chutzpah,” May 17-23]. While Jerry and I may disagree on the long-term impacts of Ryan’s tax policy changes, I certainly agree that in this area Ryan makes serious political miscalculations.

However, liberals from President Obama on down are not dealing with reality if they believe that our federal government can continue to grow without serious economic repercussions. Federal spending has doubled since Clinton’s last budget from $1.8 to $3.7 trillion. and if left unchanged, so-called “entitlements” like Social Security and Medicare will consume the entire budget very quickly.

How big is the problem? Even if we eliminated all $700 billion in defense spending from the federal budget in a given year, we’d still have a $700 billion annual shortfall. And, while Ortiz y Pino talks taxes, we could confiscate the wealth of everyone in the nation with incomes greater than $250,000 and we’d only close the budget for one year. What we’d do the next year is anyone’s guess.

Ryan’s budget is a starting point. It makes needed changes to Medicare, the fastest growing and most unsustainable major program, but he does not address Social Security. The fact is that Ryan is the only one having the discussion about needed reforms. Obama is not, and liberals in Congress have not proposed needed reforms or tough cuts.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via email to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.

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