Letters: Schrader’s Green; Unaided; No Hate Speech; Police Protection

Schrader’s Favorite Shades

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I eat lots of fresh, raw greens! Greens detoxify and rejuvenate our liver . Greens remove toxic metals such as lead and mercury. Greens remove pharmacy drugs and street drugs. Greens help conquer addictions to coffee, cigarettes, booze and other drugs.

Greens fight
bad germs. Greens fortify the good germs we need in our intestines to absorb nutrients from our food. Greens stimulate our intestines for good shitting.

Greens make our body more flexible. Greens help arthritis. Greens build strong muscles and strong bodies. Gorillas, rhinoceroses, hippopotami and elephants eat mostly greens. Greens are high in protein, calcium, magnesium, oxygen, potassium and vitamin C.

Greens relieve nervousness. Greens calm, open and center our minds. The more noise, pollution, heat and tension around us the more greens we need to calm, cool and cleanse us. Greens help us sleep better.

Greens prevent and treat diabetes. Greens help sores and wounds heal faster. Greens help sore throat, ulcers and skin problems. Greens relieve pain. Greens strengthen our heart. Greens build blood and help anemia. Greens lower high blood pressure. Greens improve varicose veins.

Greens help prevent cancer and protect us against radiation.

Greens help us see better. Greens stop bad breath and bad body odor.

Many native peoples and all mammals, except modern humans, live mainly on greens when they get sick.

Chlorophyll is the green plant blood. Chlorophyll is liquid sunshine for health. The darker green the leaves, the more chlorophyll.

I grow collard greens, alfalfa and quelites in my garden to eat fresh in warm weather. Quelites is lambsquarter
or wild spinach in English. Quelites is a highly nutritious wild green. Collard greens can take New Mexico’s heat and cold better than most greens. When I do not have enough collard greens to eat in cold weather, I buy cabbage at the grocery store. Cabbage that is not organic is quite cheap. Cabbage that is not organic is relatively clean of pesticides compared with most fruit and vegetables that are not organic.

I also eat
dried alfalfa and dried quelites in my blended smoothies when the alfalfa and quelites are not growing fresh in my garden. In warm weather, I cut fresh quelites and alfalfa and air dry them on racks near the ceiling of my room.

I love greens! I strongly recommend the books Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko and The Sunfood Diet Success System by David Wolfe.

Letters: Help Isn’t On The Way Help Isn’t On The Way

Normally, a call to the United States for assistance would elicit an immediate response to a catastrophic natural event. Massive air transport of rescue equipment and field facilities for shelter and medical care; significant financial aid for supplies and recovery; and thousands of well-trained persons would be mobilized.

But that no longer applies. Our disaster-response resources have been seriously depleted by continuing military action in Afghanistan and Iraq. Aircraft, ground transport, heavy equipment, mobile medical and housing units, and disposable supplies have been used up, replaced and used up many times over.

Billions of dollars that would have provided aid for coping with and rebuilding from natural catastrophes have been dissipated in the pursuit of unattainable military goals.

Hundreds of thousands of our finest military personnel have been exhausted, physically and mentally depleted by repeated deployments to war zones. Tens of thousands more have been permanently disabled by catastrophic injuries. And more than 5,000 are lost forever.

Beep … beep … BEEEEEP! We’re sorry, the number you have dialed is no longer in service.


Letters: Age Of Enlightenment, Anyone? Age Of Enlightenment, Anyone?

When I was in the third grade, my Sunday school teacher once asked if we would be willing to die for our beliefs. Pretty heady question of a little 9-year-old kid! The question has haunted me to this day. I was painfully reminded of it a week ago when an angry man in his convertible almost ran me off the road, then flipped me off with a look that sent a cold chill through me. It wasn’t until I got home that the full impact of what had happened finally hit. I may have narrowly avoided being another “hate crime” statistic. Apparently, he had taken issue with one (or more) of my bumper stickers. The thought occurred to me: Maybe I should rip all of my left-leaning stickers off the car and play it safe. Another thought occurred to me: Maybe I should stand my ground and defend my constitutional right to freedom of speech.

You know, I have been subjected to all sorts of political mumbo jumbo, hate speech over talk radio and FOX television, bumper stickers that make me want to lose my breakfast, but I do not flip people off, I do not attempt to run them off the road, I do not steal their cars or threaten to slash their tires. A staunch defender of freedom of the press, freedom of expression, freedom of speech, I would never slap a gag order on anyone, nor prohibit them from saying what they wish to say, however loathsome that message might be to my delicate ears. So many people have died for the right to speak their minds, to say the difficult things that need to be said, to reveal aspects of humanity that most of us would rather ignore. Shedding light on the injustices of the world, for one, as I see it, free speech is the frontline for anything approximating democracy. Without it, we become nothing more than a glorified police state. I sometimes wonder if the people in Egypt and Libya aren’t enjoying greater freedom of speech than we are. If the man who almost sideswiped me is any indication of things to come, I can’t say that I feel terribly secure about our future as a nation “indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” We have a long road ahead if we hope to live up to the vision of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine. Exactly how tolerant can we be of our brothers and sisters with thoughts, ideas and opinions completely contrary to our own?

Voltaire once said, “I may despise what you have to say, but I will defend with my life your right to say it.” I can’t stop thinking about the hatred on that man’s face. Would I be willing to die to defend my first amendment guaranteed right to free speech? I’m not sure how I would answer that question. Martyrdom is not really my strong suit. Under the right circumstances, I just might say yes.

Letters: Ammunition Ammunition

[Re: News, “Peace Officer,” March 10-16] A person calls his mother and tells her to shut the fuck up while waving a gun in the air in a public place, and you think this has much chance of ending happily. Morons. You never know what a nut like that is going to do. A police officer’s priorities are protect himself and the public. Not the nut job. A police officer’s job is extremely difficult and you can never predict human behavior. The police officer has to make quick decisions based on a dynamic situation. The situation may have already changed by the time a decision was made.

You conveniently left out any mention of John Hyde, August 18, 2005, and Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Deputy James McGrane Jr., March 22, 2006.

You ask if I was driving by the
Alibi office and saw a man or men wearing ammo belts, rifles in hands and carrying duffle bags enter the front door of the Alibi , would I call police? Of course not.

Letters: Harm’s Way Harm’s Way

[Re: News, “Peace Officer,” March 10-16] What happened to Kenneth Ellis III is a tragedy. The real culprit is the closing of long-term-care mental institutions during the Reagan era. This man needed help as well as the veterans walking our city streets with inadequate clothing, shoes, food and shelter. This is a shameful state of affairs for any human being; but especially our veterans to whom we owe our very lives and freedom.

I know from years of experience working in psychiatric units that sometimes violent episodes cannot be averted no matter
how great the effort and desire to do so. Sometimes the disturbed person is too paranoid to reason with; has certain types of brain injuries; PTSD; numerous other medical/emotional conditions; and sometimes they are just mean, nasty sociopaths who enjoy causing fear and chaos. Mr. Lohmann has the time and lack of perspective to kick back and analyze officer-involved shootings for as long as he pleases. But I’m saying that most episodes that end in death happen in seconds, and no amount of training can give officers the psychic abilities to glean exactly what the person’s problems or intentions are before they either shoot or get shot.

Also, I am angry that you published the officers’ names in your article. Yeah, yeah, I’m aware this info could be found on the Internet,
but many disturbed people who may not have the skills or concentration ability to look this up on the net just might get a stalking mentality for one of these officers. If they are paranoid to the extreme, you may have just caused some of these officers to find themselves in some serious trouble—did you even think of that possibility? If not , then it’s painfully evident that you have zilch experience in dealing with some types of mental illnesses. I seriously advise you to at least do a few drive-alongs with experienced officers before you go putting anyone in possible harm’s way.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.

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