Letters: The Lies Of Tyrants

The Lies Of Tyrants

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Citizens of nations everywhere have been believing the lies of tyrants for hundreds of years. In the 20th century they believed the lies of Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tse-tung and Fidel Castro. Some of them even believed the lies of Hitler. Plenty of people in the United States believed—and still believe—the lies of Lenin and of communism in general.

Stalin and Hitler believed each other’s lies and collaborated in leading their subjects into war and destruction worse than those subjects could ever have imagined. The cruelty of Stalin and Mao far exceeded that of Hitler. These communist tyrants, and communist tyrants everywhere, have always separated children from their parents and sent both parents and children to internment camps or sent them to be killed outright.

As a nation and as a people, will we learn from the past? Or will we continue to repeat the “mistakes” of National Socialist Germany? Will we continue to repeat the “mistakes” that are being repeated today, all day, every day, in the workers’ paradises of North Korea, communist China and Cuba?

Letters: Bagging On Benton Bagging On Benton

Two long articles in your July 26 to August 1 edition [v27 i30] about ART, yet no mention of one of its main, original boosters—City Councilor Isaac Benton. So what gives? To quote from his August 16, 2016 op/ed in the Albuquerque Journal : “ART is exactly the kind of project that Albuquerque needs to evolve into a modern, thriving metropolis and continue to be a great place for another 300 years."

Letters: Kill Goatheads Kill Goatheads

During the rainy season, and before flowers turn to nasty goatheads, it’s a great time to pull this weed. Thanks everyone. Your flips and bike tires appreciate it.

Letters: #Maga #Maga

Republicans wreck, Democrats clean up, Republicans wreck. It’s become a painfully predictable cycle. Look at Albuquerque! Look at New Mexico! Look at the USA!

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via email to letters@alibi.com. They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter. Word count limit for letters is 300 words.

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