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[Re: Feature, "Diary of a Locavore," March 6-12] That article is beautiful, soo well-written, so fine. Thank you, thank you for doing it. It does point out the growing trend toward local eating and is Exhibit A in our renewed quest for village funding for a certified kitchen for the Corrales growers and the Corrales Growers’ Market. It’s a project that was started and stalled, but your article reminded me that some of the growers like Bonnie Gonzales, and Doug and Heidi Eleftheridu had put in a lot of groundwork on that project. And now that many people are interested in year-round, quality local foods, the demand is ready for a supply. It would be great if growers could use a certified kitchen for canning during peak season and sell in winter. I will certainly help make it happen with the additional wake-up call of your article.

Christie, you made me laugh with the berries and Bob Johnston’s sign, and you covered an enormous amount of territory with the article. I will get the
other article from your site; [Joel Salatin’s] comment was hilarious, too. It was all very Pollanesque, at his best–great! And, Christie, you’re a trooper–what a hard game, but such clear and beautiful results. Thanks so much and congratulations!

For The Love Of Science

Regarding the article "Keeping the Faith–In Science" [Re: Profile, Feb. 14-20], I am, as many people were, annoyed but not for the reasons you might think. After reading the article, I tried to place myself on a sliding scale, with all the people that seem to want to lynch the NMSR (creationists, those who claim multiple Elvis sightings, etc.) at 1 and the NMSR itself at 10. I easily placed myself at a respectable 9, but something was keeping me from aligning completely with the group. I concluded that the two groups weren’t all that different.

You can be as close-minded in science as you can be in faith. I don’t see it so much as about who’s right and wrong, it’s about each side being rigidly certain of their infallibility, and that everything there is to know is known. I find that as absurd as creationism. Do I believe in homeopathy and acupuncture? I don’t know enough about it to say. More importantly, I’m not a disbeliever. Science is a process of learning and discovery, and we have much to learn. I believe these are the same types that ridiculed Galileo for his theories and thought going to the moon was impossible, and for a long time it seemed that way. Is faster-than-light travel impossible? As we understand things now, yes. Will our understanding of things change? Absolutely.

Both groups seems to be afraid of the unknown, just different types of unknown. I believe this group gives science a bad name in the way creationists make those who are spiritually inclined look silly. As far as science and religion being separate, as uneasy as it may make both groups feel, I believe there are no real conflicts between spirituality and science, and that in time we might understand the nature of that connection. (Hey, you got spirituality on my science! And you got science on my spirituality!)

I ask you this: Is it worse to be a blind believer or a blind non-believer? I choose neither. Nikola Tesla said "The day science begins to study nonphysical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence." What a quack.

Housing First

Bravo to New Mexico legislators for passing Senate Memorial 2 this year, creating a Statewide Housing First Task Force to address homelessness. Shockingly, 21 percent of renters in New Mexico pay more than one half of their income toward rent. They are extremely vulnerable to homelessness. Many others are vulnerable as well, and it’s time we took this issue seriously at all levels of government. The Housing First approach recognizes that people need a roof over their heads and some stability before they can successfully focus on their needs for a job, health care, etc. SM 2 directs the task force to prepare a comprehensive plan for implementing a Housing First approach and reporting back to the Legislature in November with their recommendations.

Next year, I hope the Legislature will fund important housing programs such as Energy/Smart and EnergySavers to help low-income families weatherize their homes and help builders install energy-efficient systems in new homes–and the HERO Program to help our local heroes (families with a police officer, nurse, teacher, firefighter or active member of the armed services) achieve the dream of homeownership–and the Homebuyer Education Program to provide consumer financial counseling, which might prevent some foreclosures in the future. A housing plan, without the funds to support the housing programs, leaves too many New Mexicans out in the cold.

Coulda Been Done Better

[Re: Feature, "Diary of a Locavore," March 6-12] Christie, your article was great, interesting and thought-provoking. I mean no offense here … but … I think this experiment of yours could have been done a lot better. First of all, if the locavore was not vegetarian they would have been fine. Second, a vegetarian who doesn’t like tomatoes and can’t cook beans? Well, you really did have your work cut out for you. Yes, as you mentioned, it takes a lot of planning. With planning, freezing, stocking, you could have eaten a lot better, as I’m sure a true locavore would. Finally, what happened? You said you found flour on Day 5. Your last two days should have been filled with tortillas, bread, cakes, cookies. Though who am I to talk … I’m lazy and therefore really bad at the keep-it-local thing. Oh, just realized things like baking powder and yeast would have held back the use of the flour. Damn.

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