Making Sausage

Dropping Death Row

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Something finally passed this session. Gov. Bill Richardson signed Rep. Gail Chasey’s controversial death penalty repeal into law on Wednesday, March 18, calling it the "most difficult decision" of his political career. According to the ACLU, 130 inmates on death row were proven innocent and released in the last 30 years. New Mexico is now the 15th state with no death penalty. (CC)

Making Sausage New Kids On Campus

The UNM Children’s Campus is popular. So popular that it has a two- to three-year waiting list. The state Senate passed a memorial sponsored by Sen. Linda Lopez that would look at ways to expand the daycare center, which is open to children of UNM students, staff and faculty. If the facility is expanded, it’s estimated that the bill would come to about $6 million. (CC)

Making Sausage Web Casting In Da ’House

After serving as a key issue for the duration of this legislative session, web casting from the Roundhouse has finally started. On Friday, March 13, the Senate voted unanimously to go all techy as soon as possible. By Monday the web cam was up and running and senators were cracking wise about their new partial fishbowl (the cam only captures a portion of the senate). Meanwhile, read about the (Republican) representatives who’ve championed web casting this session. (JCC)

Making Sausage Legal Bills

More potentially bad news for newspapers. A bill sponsored by House Speaker Ben Lujan would allow legal notices, normally published in classified sections of papers, to be broadcasted via TV and radio. Bills not published would be required to broadcast through both mediums. The bill has passed the House. (JCC)
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