Odds & Ends

Odds & Ends

Joshua Lee
5 min read
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Dateline: Nevada

A Las Vegas man dressed in what witnesses called a “hazmat suit” sprayed a clear liquid on people and products at a Walmart in an attempt to gain internet fame. According to
KLAS in Nevada, Aldo Gonzalez was arrested last week after a Walmart was forced to shut down due to the actions of him and an unnamed accomplice. Gonzalez allegedly entered the Walmart store with an unnamed male—described as “juvenile” in the police report—who was wearing a full-body painter’s coveralls. As Gonzalez allegedly filmed, the “juvenile” proceeded to spray customers and grocery items with a clear liquid from a spray bottle. After causing a disturbance, police were called to the store, where witnesses were able to give descriptions of the perpetrators and provide the license plate number of the getaway car. Using the license plate number, officers were led to the home of Gonzalez. As they were arresting the man, officers saw the juvenile exit the house. Officials evacuated the store and investigators took samples of the liquid to test it for dangerous substances. The clear liquid was inspected and declared harmless after it was determined to have a neutral PH and no chemicals, proteins or bio-organisms. Detectives interviewed the juvenile, who said that Gonzalez bought a white painter’s suit, goggles, a dust mask and gloves. The juvenile reportedly found a spray bottle and filled it with water. When asked why the duo had engineered the stunt, the juvenile said he “wants to be famous through Instagram and YouTube by making funny videos.”

Dateline: United States

Americans aren’t just stockpiling toilet paper and hand sanitizer. Experts say a potential condom shortage could lead to another baby boom. The
Mercury News reports that some Americans are failing to practice social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak, as evidenced by increasing condom sales following announcements of outbreaks in the US. As more states adopt shelter-in-place procedures, experts say they will be engaging in more sexual activity. Television personality Dr. Mehmet Oz actually encouraged couples to have sex while they’re quarantined. “You’ll live longer, get rid of the tension,” he told TMZ. “Maybe you’ll make some babies.” CondomSales reported a shortage of condoms in Singapore and Hong Kong in early March, and it appears the trend is continuing in the US. Dr. Kevin Kathrotia told Fox Business that natural disasters often lead to more babies. “It’s going to happen. It’s probably going to be the biggest baby boom we’ve seen,” said Kathrotia. “Anytime there’s the threat of a hurricane, there’s a little baby boom.” Dr. Renee Wellenstein disagrees on the timeline, however. She told reporters that she predicts a baby boom will come once the pandemic is over. “Stress decreases fertility in men and women,” Wellenstein said.

Dateline: New Mexico

A man turned himself in to police and told them that he’d stolen two television sets while intoxicated—but he doesn’t remember doing it. The
Associated Press reports that Sage Aaron Cummins, of Gallup, N.M., was arrested earlier this month after he attempted to return the TVs to the robbery victim. An officer was reportedly investigating the burglary at the home when Cummins approached him and admitted he was the one who stole the TVs. He reportedly told officers that he was “very intoxicated” when he entered the home and allegedly stole the items. He said he remembered knocking on the door and receiving no answer before entering the residence. He told police that he had no memory of what happened after that. “He woke up at 8:30am the next day and noticed he had two TV’s in his room,” the police report says. Two days later, a mutual friend of both Cummins and the victim told Cummins who owned the TVs. The police report states that Cummins told police “he wanted to make things right and return the stolen items.” He was reportedly arrested and charged with receiving stolen property before being released on an unsecured bond of $1,500.

Dateline: India

An India railway company is keeping elephants off the tracks by playing recordings of angry bees. According to
UPI, the Northeast Frontier Railway has installed a “honey bee sound system” at locations where elephants are known to frequent. If villagers notice that an elephant has wandered near the train tracks, they can notify officials with the train company and the system can be engaged. The loud sound of bees is said to frighten the elephants and drive them away. The company said the system had to be installed because the number of elephants being killed in train collisions was rising. At least four elephants were reportedly involved in separate accidents in Uttarakhand in 2018. The company has installed the buzzy sound system at the four crossings where the incidents occurred. The system has been in place for two years now, and officials say it has been completely successful. There have reportedly been no animal collisions since its installation.

Compiled by Joshua Lee. Email your weird news to josh@alibi.com.

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