Slow Moving

John Bear
1 min read
After a Council ruling last Monday, the Horn Motor Lodge will be torn down, although the old Route 66-style gas station will remain. (Wes Naman)
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Simultaneously duller than a chalk butter knife yet utterly terrifying, last week’s City Council meeting–the first after the Council’s monthlong hiatus–oozed paradox. This mad beast meandered on for seven hours, testing the collective resolve of those with short attention spans, but the topics of discussion were far from boring. Floods, gentrification, crime, police brutality, the slow erosion of Duke City history and housing developments turned into illegal speedways were all debated thoroughly. One public commenter claimed city workers conspired to steal 13 of his dogs. Irate homeowners waged a war of words with a shifty cell phone company rep over a telecommunications tower impeding their view. The police department unloaded old German Shepherds at bargain basement rates.

Council Watch

Opinions expressed are solely those of the author.

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