Sob, Sob ... I Disagree With An Opinion

Sob, Sob ... I Disagree With An Opinion

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I should have known the minute I walked into the The Guild and received the 8” by 11” sheet on the characters in the Tamala: 2010 movie, that I should have turned around and walked straight out. But nooooooo. I read Mr. O'Leary's review [“Reel World,” Dec. 11-17]. That was my first mistake. I've heard many things about Mr. O'Leary. Most it [sic] negative. But I thought he can't be that bad. I'm from El Paso, Texas, but I drive up to Albuquerque regularly, at least one a month [sic].

I am an avid moviegoer. Albuquerque allows me to see all the indie and just plain strange movies we don't get here in El Paso.

Upon reading Mr. O' Leary's section online, I knew that I would have to see Tamala: 2010. That was tops on my lists of things to do while visiting your great city. I have no clue what movie Mr. O'Leary saw, but it definitely was not the same Tamala I had the displeasure of wasting 93 minutes of torturing boredom. Not only was I totally unimpressed by Mr. O' Leary, but I was also highly disappointed by the filmmakers, too [sic]. This was the worst movie I have ever seen. And I've seen a lot. So this is saying something. It had no story line. No connection of characters. No plot. And most importantly, no taste. It was not as Mr. O' Leary stated, “loads of freaked out visuals, this outrageous piece of cutting edge animé manages to satirize everything from consumerism to religion to the films of Clint Eastwood.” It was none of those things.

However, it was a visual diharrea [sic] of a hodgepodge of unconnected ideas and useless visuals meant to assault the viewer. If Mr. O' Leary considers this satire, I think he needs to go back to school to learn the basics. This movie is not some surreal vision to inform the viewer about the evils of our current society. It is a complete waste of time and money.

I was so outraged and disgusted I totally forgot to ask for my money back. I keep sitting there waiting for it to get better and then finally, as is a sign from God, it was over. As I walked around outside The Guild, I was able to overhear other conversations from survivors of this visual massacre. One bit of conversation I heard was that maybe it was just a language barrier. Nope!! The movie was just as awful in Japanese as it was in English.

I have changed my mind about Mr. O' Leary. He is that bad. That he stood in front of the audience before the movie was the smartest thing he's done. If he tried to talk to that audience after the movie he would have been booed and pelted off stage with popcorn. I find the Alibi to be a wonderful publication which allows me to plan my trips, but Mr. O' Leary's section will never again play into anything I plan or pay for. That is unless I want to give money away to be tortured threw sheer boredom and pompousness.

Long Miles Ahead

When I attended the recent Democratic forum for the three congressional candidates who are seeking the nomination in the First District, I was pleasantly surprised to hear a fresh voice speaking out in no uncertain terms on the issues that matter to me: Miles Nelson, an emergency room doctor, who in my book stands head and shoulders above his rivals.

Dr. Nelson didn't give us the usual poll-chasing palaver. He took a strong stand on universal health care and explained how it could be paid for by getting rid of insurance company profit-making. In response to questions, he was forthright in advocating that we free ourselves from dependency on fossil fuels and develop sources of clean energy right here in New Mexico, that we protect our environment, that we stop using globalization as a substitute for healthy economic development in our state and create decent jobs through diversification and incentives for small businesses and that we as a nation pursue peace rather than war in our global community. This is a man I would trust to speak for me in Congress.

The incumbent Heather Wilson does not do that, and I sincerely hope Dr. Nelson gets the chance to challenge her in next year's election. He already has my vote, and, if the Democrats want to win, I think they should take a look at this newcomer.

More Movement On The Westside

[RE: Letters, “Screw the Westside,” Dec. 18-24] I have changed my mind. I would be thrilled if the residents of the Westside created their own government. Based on their repetitious pleas for more major highways and corporate facilities, I have even settled the issue of what said city should be called: Asphalturque.

Westsiders are but a quarter of Albuquerque's population. Most are transplants who came here to realize the American dream of living not too close and not too far away from a metropolis with a pleasant climate. The Westside is the sprawl side; it is growing very quickly, and, by God, no new structure is enough!

I moved here from Florida—currently leading the nation in irresponsible growth that spawns irreversible environmental damage. (What the hell do we need this massive swamp for in the middle of such a pretty place?) New Mexico doesn't have wetlands—it has petroglyphs, churches and ruins—but they are as much a part of the state's character as rivers and lakes are for Florida.

It is easy to build. It is hard to discount Westsiders who want to get to work a little faster; they do pay taxes, too. And it is impossible to regain our history once we let WalMart bulldoze it.

Who Gives The Go-Ahead?

It is both illegal and unethical for federal agencies and their contractors to lobby members of Congress for favors. Yet that is exactly what a representative of Sandia National Laboratories did when the New Mexico Environment Department decided to require Sandia to put its money where its mouth is to ensure that a radioactive and hazardous waste site known as the Mixed Waste Landfill continues to be monitored.

The Senator obliged Sandia's request and inserted language in an omnibus spending bill that protects the lab and its multi-billion dollar contractor, Lockheed Martin, from requiring any type of financial assurance for long-term care of the landfill. Congresswoman Heather Wilson also voted for the bill's passage in the House. In January the bill will go to the Senate for final approval.

The legislation created by Sen. Pete Domenici at the behest of Sandia National Laboratories sets a dangerous precedent not only for waste sites at Sandia, but at Los Alamos National Laboratory where contaminants from similar landfills are currently leaking into the groundwater and the Rio Grande.

The New Mexico Environment Department is adamantly opposed to this provision, and Sen. Domenici should let the State Environment Department do its job in protecting human health and the environment. It is unfortunate indeed that Sen. Domenici and Congresswoman Wilson place the special interests of polluters over public health and the environment. Obviously it is the labs in New Mexico that make these decisions, not the regulators or the people who live downstream from these waste sites.

To Tip, Or Not To Tip

[RE: Thin Line, “The Misinformation Age”, Dec. 4-10]: Hi, Reverend Sharpton … I mean Tim McGivern.

In America we are free to do what we want and basically say what we want. We are free to go to the movies or stay at home. We are, and listen closely, free to tip or not to tip. The world doesn't owe you or anyone else. If you have [sic] me service I deem to be bad, no tip for you.

Regardless as to whether the mayor tipped or not is a mute [sic] point. Next I guess someone will bitch that the tip was small. They should be happy they got one and go back to school so they don't have to live by those rules anymore. Where I work, there is no tipping. I would love to bitch to my boss when he doesn't pay me for not working.

I know … this is New Mexico. No one should be held liable or responsible for their actions. You help make that thought process a reality. You really are a Class A: dolt (idiot).

Letters should be sent with the writer's name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter.

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