Sticker It To Ya

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I picked up a copy of the Alibi at Silva Lanes, like I do every Thursday evening. On the cover, on the lower right hand corner, there was a sticker advertising Apollo College. Has the Alibi stooped so low as to place this ad on my copy, and all copies there, or did someone take the copies and place the stickers on them and then replace the papers? If you didn’t do this, please call Apollo on this. If you did do this—shame, shame on you, Alibi.

Express Yourself

I am writing to express my thoughts about the current article in the Alibi, “Ask a Mexican.” While I appreciate the content and spirit of the article, I feel somewhat saddened by the language used in it as a generalization of how immigrants speak. There are some words that are offensive and may depict a negative view of our way of expression. While many may express themselves in such a manner and may even be bittered by the anti-immigrant sentiment, I still feel that a majority of us are very happy and proud to be here. This country is so rich in culture by its many peoples and backgrounds we each share that it makes me sad to think that our neighbors may begin to see us in a negative way by how the article expresses the writer’s view. I would like to think that all people in this country can see each other with respect and treat each other as we would like to be treated. I encourage you to continue your great work in communication; as you can see, it is greatly needed and appreciated by many.

Nice And Neat

[RE: Letters, “It's Still the Same,” April 13-19]

I do not see the necessity for Ms. Bernstein, to defend her position on a dress code. As I recall, Women Magazine named Flying Star an excellent place to work, so something must be going right. I frequent Flying Star Rio Grande often and find it difficult to tolerate body piercing and tattooing even though it only appears infrequently. Dion’s has a dress code far more stringent than Flying Star. The staff there is very young—mostly high school age. But the kids look bright and happy and neat and not particularly bothered by the fact that they are required to look good. I think they rather like the idea.

It’s time for adults to take back the world. While it is true, as Bernstein says, “This is a widely diverse society of changing values and beliefs.” She neglects to say, however, not all good. Who approved tattooing, body piercing, profanity et al. as acceptable behavior? Not my generation! My generation demanded respect from the up-and-coming generation. We felt we were responsible to see they performed according to our beliefs. Perhaps not in the big things but to be sure those little things that separate the wheat from the chaff. I speak of keeping of one’s word, use of proper language, holding doors and the like. My sons, now men, still say “yes sir” and “no sir” to their seniors. They hold doors for their mother and sisters. They will not sit while ladies stand. I know these to be little things but they are representative of their everyday demeanor. They also know how to use a knife and fork. In that I answer to four score years, I am a couple of generations away from and perhaps out of touch with the present. I am not going to change because I think my way was/is better—the adults were in charge and we wouldn’t allow our kids to apply for work short of putting their best foot forword for fear, among other reasons, that they would disgrace us.

Ms. Bernstein, may I suggest you don’t defend your dress code—it’s proper—and you don’t need to. As a matter of fact, let’s go a little further. For the ladies: one ring, one hole in the ears with jewelry, and no watches, bracelets or necklaces for sanitary reasons. For the men: neatly trimmed hair, no beard, one ring, clean clothes, deodorant, and clean and trimmed nails.

Backs To The Border

I was a bit shocked by your article “A Long Line in the Sand,” April 13-19. Of major concern was the “fact” that 80 percent of the population lives in poverty. I was appalled by the number. I am a Mexican-American and I have extended family and friends throughout the entire country and I have not seen the level of poverty you are describing. I have traveled throughout the country, from the northern border all the way down to past Mexico City, and while I do admit there is a vast amount of poverty in Mexico, it does not approach the 80 percent figure you stated in your article. Needless to say, I started doing some research. I found various articles on the Internet concerning the poverty and its causes in Mexico. I would recommend you look at statistics from the World Bank ( which just recently released a study in 2005 about the poverty in Mexico: “Poverty in Mexico: An Assessment of Conditions, Trends and Government Strategy.” They state that the number is more around 50 percent, with about 20 percent living with insufficient income to cover basic food needs. While these numbers are not as high as the ones you printed as fact, these numbers are still unbelievable. How can we, as Americans living in the most powerful and richest country in world, turn our back on our closest neighbor?

Letters should be sent with the writer's name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter.

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