This election was fun! Good was watching the exit polling smile wiped off the face of all the ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN folks. Better was the looks of bewilderment as election night wore on. James Carville knew it was over early on and called it for Bush while they all hung in there hoping some new math would save the country from, well, from itself I guess. Best was reading the letters to the editor and listening to Scare America the rest of the week; I really enjoyed that! One of the best things I heard was it’s better to be right than win. Of course, being right and winning is pretty good, too.
I hope Bush will do more of the same. I don’t want Bush reaching across the table to anyone. I want him to keep kicking them under the table until they get the message we sent them loud and clear.
Automatic Knowledge
Beware The Nutella
Red Tide
I humbly suggest that the staff of the Alibi stick with what you do well—and that is report on Albuquerque entertainment goings on—which you really do well. The staff, otherwise, sucks when it comes to wanna-be political journalism. Yes, even Neanderthal, uninformed, uneducated, church-going Republicans enjoy a concert or play every once in a while (when, that is, we take time from advocating world oppression). So … please keep up the good entertainment reporting. Otherwise, keep your liberal drivel to yourselves. Many of your readers are quite tired of it. Oh, and one other thing. “Na, na na, we beat ya!”
A Plea To The Lgbtq Community
When we are all united, when we have a community that will stand up with us and demand that we be treated as citizens, not political issues, then it is not so easy for others to challenge our rights. What has happened in Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Oklahoma and Utah is horrible, and it can happen to other states or all of the states if nobody stops it. We have power, we have numbers, and all we need to do is unite. Remind those in power that we are here, that they represent us as well, and if they cannot, or will not, or chose to deny us our rights, they can be replaced. Remember, we have power within ourselves. We can make the world pay attention to us, we can make the world remember that we are all equals.
Letters should be sent with the writer's name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter.