Who’s your city councilor? I didn’t know until I started working for my college paper. A city election may not have the glamour of the Obama/McCain decision, but your local politicians arguably have more direct impact on your life. These people are responsible for the basics like street maintenance and public transit. But they also make decisions about how loud you can rev your motorcycle engine, what’s in the water coming out of your faucet, which factories can move onto your block, and what the rules are for bars and all-ages shows. (By the way, look up your councilor here.)Will Albuquerque spend your tax money on a Downtown sports arena? On a light-rail system? What kinds of companies will set up shop here with jobs for you? How far will Albuquerque sprawl? So you get a red-light camera ticket in the mail. So a guy breaks into your car and steals your stereo. So you get mugged walking home from the bar one night. What are you going to do about it?There are the immediate responses: Appeal the ticket, buy a new stereo, call the police. But Oct. 6 is the day to take to the polls and think about the next time. Your mayor will oversee the Albuquerque Police Department. Your councilors will either keep the red-light cameras or tear them down.That’s why the Alibi is joining forces with KNME-5, the New Mexico Independent and KUNM 89.9 FM to bring you a free—totally free—mayoral debate on Wednesday, Sept. 16 (details below). “The Line” host Gene Grant, KUNM’s News Director Jim Williams, New Mexico Independent Editor Gwyneth Doland and I will moderate. We’ll pose your burning questions about your city to the candidates. Audience members will be given notecards and can submit their queries at the start of the throwdown. Or, film a question, upload it to YouTube and send the link to abqmayoraldebate@gmail.com. (Extra points if your backdrop relates to the subject of your question.)The debate will be broadcast live on 89.9 FM, live-streamed to all four media partners’ websites, live-blogged and shown on KNME the following Friday. The Alibi is also throwing an after party at Blackbird Buvette at 8:30 p.m. All the candidates will be invited, and we’re trying to come up with a related drink special. So far, my suggestion for a beverage called the "Public Duty" has been rebuffed. Comment on this article and help us name the thing.
Thin Line
A Mayoral Debate
R.J. Berry, Martin Chavez, Richard RomeroSubmit video questions for candidates to abqmayoraldebate@gmail.comSee what people are already asking at youtube.com/user/DebateHostsWednesday, Sept. 16National Hispanic Cultural Center1701 Fourth Street SWDoors open at 6 p.m., debate at 7 p.m.Seating is first-come, first-served. About 300 available. Hear it live on KUNM 89.9 FMWatch it and live-blog it at alibi.com and newmexicoindependent.com See it Friday, Sept. 18, on KNME-5