David Lynch Dreams Up Electronic Pop Album—And It Might Be Bad

Marisa Demarco
2 min read
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The man who wrote my favorite book on creativity, Catching the Big Fish, is putting out a pop disc, and the teaser track strikes me as … incidental?

Weird. Music is a huge part of Lynch’s movies. The soundtrack often provides that seeping doom and anxiety you pick up while watching his flicks. And Lynch has a hand in creating some of that music, giving the composer scenarios to react to and selecting the best phrases. “The Love Theme” from
Twin Peaks was created that way, and it’s fantastic. Angelo Badalamenti talks about the process of writing that song with Lynch sitting right next to him here.

When someone awesome makes something dumb, I wonder if I’m not old enough to understand it yet. In high school, Lynch movies kind of made me mad. A decade later, I went on a monthslong Lynch bender. PJ Harvey was like that, too. Even Björk, during my adolescence, sounded like she wasn’t singing along with the music. After weeks of listening to
Debut on cassette, that impression evaporated.

Actually, the holy trinity of Davids—Lynch, Byrne and Bowie—all took me a while to fathom.

Lynch’s solo album comes out on Nov. 8. It’s called
Crazy Clown Time, and it features Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

Maybe I’ll like it better in its entirety. Or maybe it’ll sink in at age 40. Or maybe, just maybe, it’ll always seem like cliché electronica. Hell, I still haven’t found my way to Harvey’s
White Chalk .
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