Extraterrestrial Experimental

Emma Crane
2 min read
Extraterrestrial Experimental
Peace, Loving
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Albuquerque is being visited by the best kind of aliens—experimental musicians. Headlining tonight’s show at 1kind Studios is Peace, Loving of Boston, MA. Three members of an innovative music/art collective and record label Whitehaus are coming through with handheld tape recorders full of cricket song, homemade instruments and poetry and creative and playful antics.

Hora Flora, or Raub Roy, is a sound scientist, touring out of San Francisco. Videos show his sets as whimsical performances that couple sound and visuals for a holistic artistic experience.

The locals will be
the Jeebies, who’ve made a few appearances at 1kind of late. The last time I saw them, they started the set wearing giant foam heads to appear like silly monsters and ended playing bass, creating a low and melodic tapestry of sound. They’re known to vary their routine, however-in the past they have used the missed connections as lyrics and put on puppet shows.

iNK oN pAPER is a drum, bass, electronic duo from the High Mayhem emerging arts studio in Santa Fe. You may know them from the High Mayhem performance space or the band The Late Severa Wires.

I really can’t tell you what to expect from this evening but be prepared for auditory abduction.

When: Friday, February 26th 9:00 pm

Where: Wonderking Studios 1016 Coal SW #3


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