, “Refreshed”

2 min read, ÒRefreshedÓ
If Rocksquawk were a middle-aged housefrau, this is what it’d look like.
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Welcome to the new face of! We abandoned our old, nonfunctioning account and built this fancy new blogging interface you see here before you. It’s been many months in the making. (Special thanks to the Alibi webmonkeys for making it happen!)

Inside, you’ll find the Rocksquawk forums in their original, unmolested state. That’s in contrast to some significant changes you’ll notice on this front page. In addition to news and announcements, we’ll have lots of regular, interactive features on this page, including:

• The mythic
Rocksquawk Podcast series. At long last! There should be a forum inside with information on getting your band’s music into the next broadcast.

• Video posts of
live footage from shows and local music videos

Contests and other prize-garnering diversions

• Inside information on
Alibi and Rocksquawk-sponsored music events , before any one else hears about it

• An
RSS feed that pumps it all directly to your computer or MP3 player

Other stuff we haven’t figured out yet. Feel free to pipe in with your suggestions on things you’d like to see here. Squawk on!

Tell us what you think about the new RockSquawk homepage here >>
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