The Dirty Novels’ Last Show Is Saturday

Marisa Demarco
4 min read
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Stalwarts of the scene, The Dirty Novels would have turned a decade old next year. But Pablo Novelas is moving on, selling off his vintage gear and rolling out of the Dirt City. The band will reunite for one last show on Saturday night at Launchpad during the Alibi’s Factory Party. I caught up with Novelas over email to talk memories.

How did The Dirty Novels get together?

It started as a group with an old friend of mine named Ernie Culver who had moved out here from Boston. We met and started writing songs based on our similar taste for ’60s, ’70s and ’80s alternative rock ‘n’ roll. At the time, we were called The Couture and had Ben Adams on makeshift drums and Scott Meyers on bass.

Later it evolved into The Dirty Novels after meeting Joey Gonzales. We talked about how we both wanted to tour and get our music out there. We eventually became a strong songwriting team and went on to be successful in accomplishing what we wanted out of music.

Strongest Dirty Novels memory?

There many great memories, and many of them are tour-related. I can say that some of those were bad memories only because when living and working with friends for so long and so close, things change and ideas cross in hard ways. I honestly can’t recall the bad ones in detail, but the best ones are from being in Joey’s van driving to Lexington, Ky., to record out last album (
Pack Your Pistols ) with friend and co-producer Duane Lundy. On that trip we came up with many great ideas as to how to take a simple band and turn it into a business to help each other and others like us. One great idea that came from this was The Blackbird Buvette.

What’s the best song The Dirty Novels wrote?

I dig them all because they were written with fun in mind. The ones that get me the most when playing are “My Love Is Electric” and “Pack Your Pistols.”

Best and worst things about the Albuquerque?

Worst thing is the lack of a music industry. Best thing is the closeness and support from fans, friends and family.

What about this town informed your sound?

I’m Latino and find that my guitar playing and sound is an irregular, rhythmic and percussive style, almost like Flamenco. I’m a gear head, too. Also, the crazy people in our lives helped with finding our sound.

Was it hard to say goodbye to some of your vintage gear?


What did you choose to keep?

The only vintage piece I’m keeping is my ’64 Gretsch Single Anniversary electric. I’m also keeping my red glitter 335 style Italia electric and my ’65 Reissue Fender Reverb Deluxe amp (it’s a classic sound). That’s all I need really. Oh and my Tech 12s and five crates of records. :-):-)

You’re moving to Philly, right?

Well, I have a few places in mind that have offered me something. It’s between Philly, Portland or Austin—all of which are affordable and have a true music industry.

What will you do next musically?

I want an R&B/Soul garage band, but I’m also open to play in someone else’s trip till I find a my new thing, wherever that might be.

***The Alibi’s Factory Party***


Low on High (with famed auteur Jon Moritsugu)

The Dirty Novels (a reunion and farewell)

Manby’s Head (ex-DMZ, Lyres, Customs)

The Scrams (Burque warehouse rock)

DJ Cassyle (our very own music editor)

With video projections by Basement Films and live screen-printing from 111 Media Collective (BYOShirt $3, or buy one for $5)


Saturday, Aug. 27, 2011

21+ Launchpad $5

Doors at 8 p.m.

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