Things I Thought Were A Dream But Actually Happened: The Swedish Grammys

Laura Marrich
1 min read
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As is customary, I made a snack and turned on the TV this weekend after coming home late from the bar. (This is probably the source of many Things-I-Thought-Were-a-Dream-But-Actually-Happened moments.) And then I went to bed, probably around 3:30 a.m.

Come Sunday, I’m at my parents house with the family, and
“The Soup” is on in the background. And I look up and see a clip from the TITWaDBAH. Turns out, the Swedish Grammys ( P3 Guld) really did happen. And, it turns out, the winner of dance artist of the year really did accept her award like this. And the crowd really did seem kind of charmed but ultimately unfazed by it. … Hunh.

Poll: Är du skraj för Fever Ray?

* Ja, fy fasen - jag får knottror!

* Tsss - löjligt, hon passar som clown på barnkalas.

* Inte direkt - men bra dräktuppslag till nästa års Halloween!

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