Vast Exhaustion

Simon McCormack
2 min read
Vast Exhaustion
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I checked out the Vast show Wednesday at Launchpad.

After two songs, lead singer, founding member and reason Vast exists, Jon Crosby, stumbled off stage. His bandmates did their best to give the fans a show. They played an all-cover set that included couple Creedence Clearwater Revival songs and a Johnny Cash tune. They also continually gave the crowd updates on Crosby’s condition, which never improved to the point where he could return.

Vast’s merch people gave out free CDs to everyone who stayed to hear the headless version of the band. It wasn’t a good show, but everyone who wasn’t Crosby (including the band’s roadies) tried their damnedest to entertain the paying audience. To be fair, Crosby probably tried pretty hard to give it a go, but his "illness" prevented him from giving fans what they came to see.

Yesterday, I got an email from Vast’s PR person saying Crosby couldn’t perform because of "exhaustion."

Last evening VAST lead singer Jon Crosby suffered exhaustion during the band’s set at the Launch Pad in Albuquerque, NM. Dealing with extreme heat conditions and playing 36 shows in the last 39 days has taken its toll on the lead singer and founder of VAST. No information is available at this time regarding a re-scheduled appearance in NM.

Now, I’m not a doctor, but it seems strange that none of the other members of Vast were feeling the effects of a grueling tour schedule and intense heat. Also, the high temperature in Albuquerque on Wednesday was a scorching 83 degrees! You could fry an egg on the sidewalk, provided you fried it on a sidewalk that was somewhere
much hotter than 83 degrees.

Hopefully Vast will reschedule and the bad taste in fans’ mouths can be washed out.
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