What Now?

When The Show Must Go On, Here's When And Where.

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Now that the Golden West Saloon, Launchpad and El Rey Theater are out of commission for the foreseeable future, here are the shows that have thus far been moved, rescheduled and canceled. We’ll update this as often as we can.

The Everybodyfields with The Section Quartet

Moved: One Up (formerly The Carom Club at 301 Central NW, upstairs, Friday, Feb. 29. Still 21+. Show starts at 7 p.m. Tickets from the original show will be honored, $15 tickets still available at the door, $10 at Natural Sound and Bookworks (if they’re still selling them).

Brian Auger’s Oblivion Express

Rescheduled: Saturday, April 19, at the El Rey. All tickets for the March 1 show will be honored. Tickets continue on sale for the show at the new date and location.

Calabrese with Ends In Tragedy, The United and Hallowed Ground

Moved: The Moonlight Lounge, Saturday, March 1. Still all-ages, bar with ID.

www.launchpadrocks.com for details.

• Soilwork

Moved: Sunshine Theater, Sunday, March 2.

www.launchpadrocks.com for details.

• Girl in a Coma with Pan!c and Fantastic Planet

Atomic Cantina, Monday, March 1.

www.launchpadrocks.com for details.for details.

• Bill Callahan (Smog) with Jonathan Meiburg Moved: Ralli’s, Tuesday, March 4.

• Crazyfool with Warsaw, Liquid Cheese and The Big Spank

Moved: The Moonlight Lounge, Wednesday, March 5.

www.launchpadrocks.com for details. for details.

• Authority Zero

Moved: Sunshine Theater, Saturday, March 8.

www.launchpadrocks.com for details. for details.

• The Whigs with The Weather Underground and Carlotta

Moved: The Moonlight Lounge, Sunday, March 9.

www.launchpadrocks.com for details.

• Ascension Suspension presents The Enigma’s Electric Acid Theater with Diverje and Black Tooth Grin.

Originally scheduled for: Friday, Feb. 29 at Launchpad.


• Calling Kevorkian with Suspended, Torture Victim and Perverted Virtue

Originally scheduled for:
Thursday, March 6 at Launchpad.


• St. Punktrick’s Day with Icky and the Yuks, The Rumfits, The Unemploid, Ends in Tragedy, Fixed Idea, Coke is better with Bourbon, The Dermas, TGMB, The United, Duke City Derelicts, Dead Mary, To Be Announced and Psycho 78

Originally scheduled for: Saturday, March 15, at the Launchpad.

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