April Book Events

Steven Robert Allen
3 min read
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Over the last few years, Eric Schlosser has built up a well-deserved reputation for being one of the most innovative journalists in the country. His first book, Fast Food Nation, a huge bestseller, was Schlosser's ambitious exposé of our country's fast food industry. Among other frightening facts, the book revealed an almost complete lack of governmental oversight of the meat-packing industry. He also discussed some of the truly disgusting pathogens and other nasty bits found in much of our fast food.

In his latest book—the equally ambitious Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs and Cheap Labor—Schlosser digs into our nation's underground economy, paying particular attention to pot, porn and illegal immigrants. Bookworks is hosting a mega-booksigning for Schlosser at the El Rey Theater (622 Central Ave. SW, 907-7255) on Wednesday, April 14, at 8 p.m. to promote the paperback edition of Reefer Madness. Do not miss this opportunity to see this amazing writer in person. I've been told he's a very entertaining and informative speaker. Keep your eye on the Alibi for a full-length interview with Schlosser the week prior to his presentation.

Book News

My hyperactive parents encouraged my sister and I to start hiking at a very young age, for which I'm extremely grateful. Unfortunately, they had a tendency to go overboard. When I was seven and my sister was only five, we walked all the way to the bottom of the Grand Canyon and back up again in a single day—certainly one of my most horrifying childhood memories. Bob Julyan will be at Page One Books (11018 Montgomery NE, 294-2026) on Sunday, April 4, at 11 a.m. to discuss the second edition of his Best Hikes with Children: New Mexico so that your parents won't make a similar mistake.

Also at Page One—on Friday, April 23, at 7 p.m.—wife and husband team Aimee and David Thurlo will make an appearance to promote the latest novel in their Ella Clah mystery series. In Wind Spirit, Ella must investigate a series of politically motivated arsons on the Navajo Reservation. Ella's biggest obstacle is that some of the traditionalist Navajos believe she's become an evil spirit.

Book News

Narrowing down the Bush administration's five biggest lies about Iraq is no easy task, but Christopher Sheer, managing editor at alternet.org, is up to the challenge. In the appropriately titled The Five Biggest Lies Bush Told Us About Iraq, Sheer and four other authors sift through the refuse of the campaign of disinformation leading up to the Iraq War. Sheer will be at Bound To Be Read (6300 San Mateo NE, 828-3500) on Sunday, April 18, at 2 p.m. to discuss the deception.

These are some of the best bookish events during the month of April. As always, call your local bookstores for a full roster and keep your eyes on the Alibi's arts and literature calendar. God bless you, my children.

Local bookstores that want their May events considered for inclusion in this column should contact me by phone at 346-0660 ext. 251 or by e-mail at steve@alibi.com.

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