Hero Of Heroes

Devin D. O'Leary
3 min read
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Prolific, self-published author Mark St. George is bringing his cinematic writing/directing/producing debut Alexander–Hero of Heroes to the Guild Cinema on Saturday, Jan. 26, at 1 p.m. as a fundraiser for the charity America’s Fallen Heroes Fund. The film is a videotaped version of St. George’s 2006 stageplay about Macedonian conquerer Alexander the Great and is described thusly: “As classical Greek tragedy, it’s the all-time Super Bowl, where the five-star quarterback gets killed at the end.” The film stars WWE wrestler Hawk Younkins. Tickets for this event are $10, and attendees are encouraged to donate to America’s Fallen Heroes Fund. Through similar screenings around the country, the charity hopes to raise $40 million, which will be given to families of servicemen and -women who have died in Iraq or Afghanistan. For more information on America’s Fallen Heroes, log on to www.americasfallenheroesfund.com. For more info on Mark St. George’s unique works (his “multimedia musical” about Montezuma is described as “The O.G. Rumble in the Jungle”), check out www.proteusla.com.

Short Girls Or Girls Shorts?

Www.GirlsShorts.tv is a new website being launched locally by Nina Knapp and Angie Beauchamp of Verge Communications. GirlsShorts.tv is intended to be an online community featuring and promoting lesbian, bisexual and transgender short films, music videos, film trailers and more. This new Internet space seeks to bring worldwide exposure to professional, semiprofessional and amateur video content that is often limited to film festival screenings. Filmmakers are encouraged to post videos up to 35 minutes in length. All pay-per-view, pay-per-download or advertising income connected to the shorts will be split with the filmmakers. By subscribing to the GirlsShorts e-mail announcement list, you can be among the first to know about the GirlsShorts.tv launch schedule. Subscribers who sign up to the e-mail list before the official launch date will also receive a link to a free sneak-preview short film. Of course, if the endeavor proves successful, Knapp and Beauchamp are already planning on creating BoysShorts.tv.

Write Now

The University ARTS Lab will host “Screenwriting: Above the Line,” an intensive workshop for writers, producers and directors on Friday, Jan. 26. The workshop will be led by Matthew McDuffie, professional screenwriter and instructor in the Dramatic Writing Program at UNM. Though the seminar will cover the fundamentals of storytelling, the focus will be on creating new work for the emerging New Mexico film market. Participants are encouraged to bring in any material they wish to develop. The workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the ARTS Lab (131 Pine NE). The cost is $175 for the day, and lunch will be served. Contact Bayou Street Productions at Buzzblanco@comcast.net or call 265–2569 for more information and reservations.
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