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I bet you didn’t know May is National Masturbation Month. Well, it is, and to help celebrate, Self Serve in Nob Hill is bringing the documentary Passion and Power: The Technology of Orgasm to the Guild Cinema this Friday, May 23, and Saturday, May 24. Self Serve has offered the Alibi two free single passes (masturbation being a solo activity and all) to give away. The Technology of Orgasm , chronicling the history of the vibrator, is based on the book of the same name. The first two Alibi readers to e-mail me ( and identify the author of that book will snag those free passes, good for either day. Be sure to include “Orgasm” as your subject line–I’m sure our spam filter won’t mind that.
Speaking of documentaries at the Guild: On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, May 25 through 27, the Guild will present the documentary Body of War. The film, which explores the lives of wounded soldiers returning from the Iraq War, is directed by talk show legend Phil Donahue and New Mexico filmmaker Ellen Spiro. Spiro is an old friend of the Alibi. Her short film “Atomic Ed and the Black Hole” won Audience Choice Award and First Place Judges Competition at the 2001 Alibi Short Film Fiesta. Donahue will be making a live appearance at the Guild on Tuesday, May 27, where he will participate in an audience Q&A regarding the film. Contact the Guild Cinema at 255-1848 for more information.
Speaking of filmmakers at the Guild: On Wednesday, May 28, the theater will welcome the makers of Gas Hole , a documentary about the history of oil prices and the future of alternative fuels. This doc is also a product of some fine New Mexico minds. Directors Jeremy Wagener and Scott D. Roberts made their feature film debut with the Albuquerque-lensed 2001 comedy Chicks, Man. Since then, the filmmakers have been out in Hollywood making their fortune. The Albuquerque screening marks the 10 th stop for the duo on their new film’s nationwide tour. Wagener and Roberts will be on hand for three Wednesday night screenings introducing the film and participating in Q&As.
In local film news that does not involve the Guild, the 2008 Screenwriting Conference in Santa Fe gets underway this coming Tuesday, May 27. As always, the conference is divided into two components. The Screenwriting Symposium featuring mentor classes, academy labs and specialized seminars runs Tuesday though Saturday, May 31. The Hollywood Connection takes place Saturday and Sunday, June 1, and puts participants face-to-face with professional producers to pitch films and to strategize marketing screenplays. If you haven’t committed yet, log on to and get registered before it’s too late!