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Your May 22 editorial [Re: “Say ‘I Do’ to Gay Marriage,” May 22-28] states: "We hope New Mexico politicians, clerks and courts can find the guts to support gay marriage in our state." The byline is from "In-house Alibi editorial staff," which I do not recall ever seeing in your paper before. (A search of your website for the past year appears to confirm this.) I am curious why you chose this particular piece to begin anonymous editorials; it detracts from the strength of your message.


Editor’s Note: On occasion, we sign editorials as “ Alibi Staff.” The purpose of this signature is meant to show that the entire editorial staff supports and stands by the message of the article.

Message From The Stars

Regarding Ben Radford’s article on astrology [Re: The Radford Files, “Astrology, Prejudice and Racism,” May 22-28], I find no fault with his logic. I’m not going to defend or condemn astrology. As to the argument of the planets’ influence on Earthlings, I would suggest a different take. The positions of the planets at one’s birth are a snapshot of the solar system at that point in time. Astrology is based on the belief that the small can be seen in the large and the large can be seen in the small. I don’t expect everyone to believe this, I don’t really care. My reason for writing this is to present a more accurate picture of astrology. The planets are used as indicators only because their position can be followed by all. If it were possible to study the positions of leaves on a tree in your yard (which it isn’t), these leaves could give us the same information as the planets. Obviously, it’s easier to use the planets. There are no invisible influences being sent to us from space.

To think that every person with the same sun sign should be similar is wrong. The sun sign is just one factor among hundreds. Many people’s total knowledge of astrology comes from reading the daily paper’s astrology column. This is the equivalent of a fortune cookie. Yet even that has some worth. Every bit of information has intrinsic value. We attract information from infinite sources. Just as water seeks its own level, so does information. We look at others and wonder why can’t they see what we see. Those who seek converts aren’t really sold on their own beliefs; they feel that if others come to their side then their side must be right. It’s more a sign of insecurity than deep belief. Those who try to convince others that astrology is true have doubts of its truth. Those who condemn it may secretly fear there is truth in it.

A New War

People, get ready. Unless there is a profound change in the rhetoric and policies of the Iranian government, war with Iran will come before the Bush administration leaves office. The only people who can stop this war from coming are the people of Iran, if they rise up and overthrow their president and his religious masters.

While the American army is badly stretched by the war in the Middle East, and the Marine Corps is pretty heavily committed there, too, the American air force, including carrier-based aircraft (technically not a part of the air force, but functionally the same), is largely free to launch a devastating and sustained offensive against targets in Iran, including the Revolutionary Guards, the nuclear facilities, the political leadership, and various facets of Iranian infrastructure and other targets of opportunity. While it may be necessary to send in some ground forces, such as Special Ops, airborne and marines, and could result in the loss of several thousand American military personnel, don’t think the Bush administration won’t do it. They’re not running for re-election. A big question as to the timing of the attack is whether it comes before the November election or after it. If it looks like it will help McCain and other Republicans get elected, it will come before; if it looks like it might cause Republican losses, it will come after.

So what’s it going to mean to you and me? The biggest impact will be economic. Gasoline could not only get expensive pretty quickly, shortages and rationing are not out of the question. And remember, when George Bush speaks of “our way of life,” what he means is that every facet of our economy is tied to oil. We’re not just talking about the fuel to make our cars and trucks and trains and planes go, but everything we have, how we grow our food, how we make the myriad components of all our gadgets, how our clothing is made—and never mind that so much of the stuff we buy is made overseas, it’s still manufactured in a seriously petroleum-based economy—the whole kit-and-caboodle is built on oil.

In the longer run, it could mean a draft, it could mean a much larger war, it could mean the igniting of a conflagration that will make Sept. 11, 2001, look like just another normal day. So get ready.

Blame Victims Of Dense Infill

[Re: Letters, “Green as Gold,” May 15-21] THE CONDO project at 2000 Gold is another attempt by out-of-state, larger-city developers to bully their way into growing towns like Albuquerque. Their failed attempts elsewhere should not be introduced here.

There are, hopefully, some zoning regulations that should be enforced without blaming the neighborhoods for being the bad guys. … I know our City Council will see through all their shenanigans.

Albuquerque has always been a “green”-friendly place. That’s even before the notion of being “green” was heard of or taken over by politics and profiteers. One thing is certain, though: If any developer runs into budget constraints, the first things to go are the green-friendly and other perky things.

The developers of 2000 Gold should be free to build their great facility in another location—perhaps where it is needed and wanted. Albuquerque and its neighborhoods want development, but in the terms established by laws and statutes.

Luckily, the Environmental Planning Commission has denied the requests of the 2000 Gold project. The attempts of the developers to sway public opinion, the mayor, the City Council or anyone else in the process have not gone unnoticed, as well as not being appreciated or convincing.

Letters should be sent with the writer’s name, address and daytime phone number via e-mail to They can also be faxed to (505) 256-9651. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium; we regret that owing to the volume of correspondence we cannot reply to every letter.

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