Black Market Goods Gallery is located at 112 Morningside NE.
Hours: 12 to 5 p.m., Tuesday through Friday, and evenings for First Friday ARTScrawl. For more, see Article|September 3, 2020|Free
::Making Grown Men Cry Since 1992
2 min read
Black Market Goods Gallery is a gallery that’s cultivated roots. Gallery director Josh Jones began a traveling art collective in 2005. Every three months the collective put together a new showing at a new gallery, a purposely nomadic artistic community. When the Stove Gallery on Morningside closed, they offered their space to Black Market Goods first. BMG moved in and opened the doors to their permanent home in February 2009.Black Market brings the goods in the form of up-and-coming artists. Assistant Director Evan Moore says the gallery loves the community of artists here in Albuquerque, but that it welcomes artists from all over; Black Market Goods has shown works from Arizona and Illinois. "[The gallery] supports any form of expression—as long as it’s legal—and wants to be an outlet for artists local and from afar who wish to be part of the scene," Moore says.Black Market Goods Gallery has hosted fashion shows and live music. Moore says hosting musicians for opening receptions creates ambiance, but that the gallery’s primary focus will always be the art on the walls. May’s exhibit, Free Pie Art Show, was a diverse display from ten artists who contributed photography, sculpture, digital display and other media. On May 30 from 2 to 5 p.m., Black Market hosts Sketch Jam; for $10, sketch artists can come draw two models—a "pin-up" and an "alt" model. On June 2, Black Market Goods hosts a First Friday ARTScrawl opening reception for its next diverse exhibit.