Culture Shock

What To Do When You’re Not Attending Alibi Events

Erin Adair-Hodges
3 min read
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So, I know you’ve already committed the bulk of your weekend to attending our Flash Fiction events at O’Niell’s, and who can blame you? But let me suggest that you squeeze a few more arts happenings onto your social calendar. Attend these, but don’t do it for me (though I’m fairly certain that’s no one’s motivation to attend anything). Don’t even do it for the artists; do it for Albuquerque. Because if you don’t go to cool stuff, then it goes away, and all we’re left with are strip mall openings and Val Kilmer sightings.

On Thursday, June 18,
Norman Ollestad visits Bookworks (4022 Rio Grande NW) to sign and read from his book Crazy for the Storm: A Memoir of Survival. In 1979, the 11-year-old Ollestad was traveling with his father, his father’s girlfriend and a pilot when their small plane crashed into a mountain. The young boy was the only survivor. The book chronicles not only how Ollestad managed to survive the accident and subsequent wandering through a blizzard but also how he learned to live without his larger-than-life father. The reading begins at 7 p.m. For more information, go to

Over at
OFFCenter Community Arts Project (808 Park SW), Fiber Fanfare: Function to Fashion gets going with an opening on Friday, June 19, from 5 to 8 p.m. In addition to a truly stunning array of fiber art, guests at the opening will get an earful of storytelling along with a fashion show. For more, see

And do you love Bach but find that the economic downturn has put a dent in your classical music concert budget? Well the
Albuquerque Baroque Players feel you, and so they’re bringing a free public concert of Bach’s vocal and instrumental work to Central United Methodist Church (201 University NE) on Sunday, June 21, at 3 p.m. The Albuquerque Baroque Players perform pieces on re-creations of 17 th – and 18 th -century instruments, which is a cool enough reason to attend. Should you need further incentive, go to

Culture Shock Internal Affairs

One of our most favoritist interns of all time, the luminescent Sarah M. Kramer, will be leaving the 505 soon for London to study. And while I for one will miss her, we’ll have to keep the mourning short. This paper, no matter what you think, doesn’t write itself. We need arts interns , and we need ’em now. If you’re a college student with a background both in writing and the arts and need validation more than you need cash, please send a writing sample and letter of interest to Ideally, we’d like someone who can commit for at least several months, but we’ll consider all comers.
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