Culture Shock: Art Resolutions

Art Resolutions

Erin Adair-Hodges
2 min read
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At the start of every year, millions (billions?) of people resolve to live the next 365 days differently, healthier and with more purpose. Resolutions to lose weight, quit smoking, get in shape and call mom abound, and most of these are doomed to failure. Why? Because change is hard, and sometimes it’s stupid.

So don’t think of resolutions as change so much as growth. While change implies that up until now, you’ve been doing everything wrong, growth means evolution. It’s still you, but in a nicer, smarter package. Let me help with you with your package. This year, decide to be the kind of person who goes to dance, poetry and Shakespeare performances. Not convinced? Read on.

Culture Shock:

On Saturday, Jan. 16, Popejoy Hall presents Pilobolus , a dance group whose expressive contortionism is mind-bending. The critically acclaimed dancers and performers expand the boundaries of interpretive and modern dance, blending humor and stunning athleticism. Tickets for the 8 p.m. show run $33, $41 and $49 and can be had at the UNM Ticket Offices and select Albertsons locations, at, or via phone at 925-5858. Please note that there will partial nudity. See? I told you growth was good.

Acequia Booksellers (4019 Fourth Street NW) welcomes poets Amy Beeder and Stefi Weisburd on Sunday, Jan. 17, at 3 p.m. Beeder, a UNM instructor, is the author of Burn the Field . The work I’ve read of hers is startlingly original, with a Plathian love of sound and shock in a wholly modern form. Weisburd’s book, the curious and moving The Wind-Up Gods , won the St. Lawrence award. This is gonna be a good one.

You know who loved shipwrecks? Shakespeare. The guy was silly for them. He was also a fool for mistaken identity plots.
Twelfth Night is the rare gem that features both. Adobe Theater (9813 Fourth Street NW) stages the Bard’s comedy, directed by UNM professor Jonatha Kottler, Jan. 15 through Feb. 7, with Friday and Saturday performances at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets are $14, $12 students and seniors. Call 898-9222 weekdays for reservations. Love, cross-dressing and drunkenness await. Go to for more.
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