Book 'Em, Jimmy

Steven Robert Allen
3 min read
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Back in the 1500s, St. Teresa de Avila succumbed to a mystical vision of a crystal palace with seven chambers, each signifying a step on the path to complete communion with God. Teresa recorded her vision in The Interior Castle, a book that's been recognized as one of the world's great spiritual classics for almost five centuries.

Mirabai Starr's translation of the book strips it of a lot of theological dogma, making it accessible to contemporary readers. Some critics have complained that, in translating the book, Starr took too many interpretative liberties. Even so, the book has appealed to a surprisingly wide audience. The UNM professor will appear at Bound To Be Read (6300 San Mateo NE, 828-3500) on Thursday, July 29, at 7 p.m. to talk about Teresa and her amazing visions.

Mary Saunder and Vicki Bolen will also be in the store on Monday, July 5, and Monday, July 19, at 7 p.m. to teach older kids and adults all about the pleasures of folding up a piece of paper into the shape of a critter. Their Origami 101 workshop costs $15 per person. The price of admission includes some fancy-shmancy origami paper.

Page One Books (11018 Montgomery NE, 294-2026) will present its monthly Self-Publishing and Local Author Fair on Saturday, July 3, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the store's café. As its name suggests, the event offers DYI scribes and other local authors a chance to network amongst themselves and with other book-loving members of the community. If you're a writer, come on down and hawk your words to the public. If you're an adventurous reader, come on down and buy your neighbor's great American novel.

Later in the month, on Saturday, July 24, at 7 p.m., Karen Robards will be in the store promoting her romantic suspense novel, Bait. This healthy combination of plot twists, hot sex and sharp laughs is sure to please her gigantic fan base.

Leanne Potts will be at Bookworks (4022 Rio Grande NW, 344-8139) on Tuesday, July 13, at 7 p.m. to sign Kill Your Idol!, a collection of reviews by contemporary music critics that trashes some of the most beloved albums in rock 'n' roll history, from the Rolling Stones' Exile on Main St. to Nirvana's Nevermind—amusing, if questionable, stuff.

Two days later, on Thursday, July 15, at 7 p.m., science fiction legend Ursula Le Guin will be at the store. Watch for a full-length interview with Le Guin in next week's Alibi.

That sums up some of the more notable bookstore events occurring during the month of July. For complete listings, call your favorite local bookstore and keep your eye on the Alibi's arts and literature calendar.

Local bookstores that want their August events considered for inclusion in this column should contact me by phone at 346-0660 ext. 251 or by e-mail at

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