Reel World: Nm Film Office Teaches Classes And Director Tom Shadyac Comes To Town

Crew Intentions

Devin D. O'Leary
3 min read
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Do you work as a below-the-line crew member in the New Mexico film industry? Are you a grip looking to make that big career leap to best boy? If so, you might want to pay attention to a meeting scheduled for this Saturday, April 30, in Santa Fe. Tobi Ives of the New Mexico Film Office will be conducting a “review’ of the New Mexico crew programs available to below-the-line crew. Learn how you can take advantage of the Film Crew Advancement Program, discuss upcoming policy changes and review the pre-employment training program. As things stand, FCAP allows production companies to be reimbursed 50 percent of a qualifying crew member’s wages in a “specialized craft position.” The meeting will take place from 10 a.m. to noon at the Center for Justice & Progress (1420 Cerrillos Road, next to the IATSE 480 union office).

Reel World: Location, Location, Location Location, Location, Location

The New Mexico Film Office, which rarely seems to make excursions to the state’s most populous city, is actually sponsoring a workshop here in Albuquerque. “Locations 101: The Seven Deadly Sins” sounds like a valuable crash course for film students and local filmmakers. The workshop will cover the “craft of location scouting and management,” which is described as a “vital piece of production.” Hopefully, by presenting common mistakes and their solutions, New Mexico Film Office Locations Coordinator Don Gray will give filmmakers advice on searching for and securing shooting locations. The workshop is free and open to the public. It will take place on Wednesday, May 4, starting at 6:30 p.m. Check the Film Office website for location information (of the workshop, that is).

Reel World: Not Even The Chair Not Even The Chair

Filmmaker Tom Shadyac made a tidy fortune directing a series of hit comedies for actor Jim Carrey ( Liar Liar, Bruce Almighty, Ace Ventura ). One day, out of the blue, he decided to chuck it all and lead a simpler, more spiritually fulfilling life. The end result of that decision is the documentary I Am. In the film, Shadyac travels the world speaking to intellectual and spiritual leaders about how we can improve life on this planet. He’s not the first Hollywood guy to go all New Age on us, but he’s certainly made one of the biggest career shifts. If you’re curious about his story, you can check out I Am opening this Friday at the High Ridge Theater. In fact, Shadyac himself will be at High Ridge on Friday night for a live Q&A session following select shows. You might want to call the theater (275-3202) to confirm times.
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