Speed Reader

Steven Robert Allen
2 min read
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In her latest novel, Hart combines a chilling mystery with a nuanced account of the life of her protagonist, Gretchen Grace Gilman. She also draws a vivid portrait of small town life in America during World War II. Another good mystery from one of the masters.

Speed Reader

Gaiman revisits his famous Sandman comic book series in this collection of seven carefully illustrated tales about Dream, the God-like figure who rules over the realm of sleep. Even newcomers to Gaiman's imaginary world will find this new collection accessible and fascinating.

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A former NYPD officer with deep connections to the Russian mob must sift through clues from his own past to track down his daughter's kidnappers. Dee delivers a hard-boiled thriller that pulls no punches.

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In this accomplished, entertaining history of ideas, Rubenstein explores how Judeo-Christian attitudes toward the rationalist philosophies of the ancient Greeks changed over time. Without an infusion of these ancient ideas, Western Civilization might never have yanked itself into the scientific age.

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