Art News: Watch Gronk Paint, Live

2 min read
Gronk Time!
Gronk paints.
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You have the chance to see internationally renowned artist Gronk making his magic this summer. In fact, you can walk right up, stare at him and bug him with questions while he works—he won’t mind. Gronk (aka Glugio Nicandro) is known for his paintings and performance art, as well as a penchant for creating in front of an audience. He’ll paint a site-specific mural July 19 through 31 at the Albuquerque Museum of Art and History. He’ll be there Tuesdays through Sundays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Hanging with Gronk is free with paid museum admission, and oglers are encouraged.

The artist will also talk about the creative process in a conversation with acclaimed opera/theater director
Peter Sellars (not to be confused with Peter Sellers of The Pink Panther movies) on Thursday, July 21, at 6:30 p.m. Gronk and Sellars are in the state collaborating on a Santa Fe Opera production of Antonio Vivaldi’s Griselda. The Albuquerque Museum will host the free discussion, with Gronk painting in front of spectators an hour beforehand. Lastly, party down with Gronk and friends on Sunday, July 31, which acts as the opening celebration for his finished mural. The party is from 1 to 3 p.m. Since the museum is free on Sundays before 1 p.m., you’d be wise to get there early.

For more info, visit or call 243-7255.
Gronk Time!

Gronk’s “Grand Hotel”

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