Books Of Love

Steven Robert Allen
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It took cartoonist Jeff Smith 13 grueling years of blood, sweat and laughter to compose his epic comic adventure, Bone. A grand total of 38 international awards have been bestowed on the series, which follows the three Bone cousins—Fone Bone, Phony Bone and Smiley Bone—on their tragicomic journey through a fantasy medieval landscape. The entire series was recently compiled into a massive 1,300 page volume. Smith himself will be making an appearance at Santa Fe's True Believers Comics and Gallery (435 S. Guadalupe, (505) 992-TRUE, this Thursday, Jan. 27, from 5 to 7 p.m. It'll be worth the trek for comic fans.

Skipping on into February, if you've got a toddler or two sitting around the house amusing themselves by sticking their chubby fingers into electrical sockets, consider hauling them over to Bound To Be Read (6300 San Mateo NE, 828-3500) for the store's weekly toddler story time. The event is held every Wednesday at 10 a.m. The Feb. 2 story session will include a visit from the real honest-to-God Mother Goose.

Over at Bookworks (4022 Rio Grande NW, 344-8139), Spanish author Carlos Ruiz Zafon will make an appearance on Thursday, Feb. 10, at 7 p.m. Published in 20 different countries, Zafon's Shadow of the Wind has become a huge international bestseller. It tells the story of a boy in '50s Barcelona and his relationship with a very mysterious book. Readers around the world have praised Zafon's novel as a colorful, highly entertaining page-turner.

At the Coronado branch of Barnes and Noble (6600 Menaul NE, 883-8200), Albuquerque blackjack pro Richard Harvey will be on hand on Saturday, Feb. 12, to sign copies of his books and hopefully reveal a few tips of the trade during a brief lecture. He'll also be accepting questions from the audience.

These are just a handful of the more interesting bookish events occurring over the next month. For a full roster, call your favorite bookstore or check the Alibi's arts and literature calendar.

Local bookstores that want their March events considered for inclusion in this column should contact me by phone at 346-0660 ext. 251 or by e-mail at

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