Business Profile: New Mexico Sinus Institute

5 min read
New Mexico Sinus Institute
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What was your first job?

I did tissue procurement at New Mexico Donor Services. I think that says it all!

How did you get started in this business?

I had a great mentor in medical school and his wife told me I should go into ear, nose and throat (ENT).

Why did you choose this business?

A combination of technology, surgery and people.

What is your business philosophy?

Just be kind. If you are kind to patients, employees, vendors, etc. you will find true success. We see the patient as a whole person, not just a disease state.

What is your educational background?

I was a zoology major at BYU, attended medical school at University of New Mexico, and had my residency at Geisinger in Pennsylvania.

What is your or your company’s greatest asset?

Our talented and friendly employees. They are the best in the business.

What are your strongest business traits?

Our CEO and local marketing, and the way we care for our patients.

Why did you choose to do business in Albuquerque?

I originally started my practice in Los Alamos, where there was a great need for ENT care. We expanded to help the underserved populations of New Mexico.

What motivates you to succeed besides the desire to make money?

An ever-changing health care environment with a great need for our specialty.

How is operating your own business different than you expected?

I was surprised by how just being nice to people led to growth and financial success.

What significant changes have you implemented recently?

We have added two new surgeons to our team as well as several physician assistants. We will soon open a clinic in Las Cruces, NM.

What successes in the past year are you most proud of accomplishing?

Bringing five physicians to NM, where there is a great need for health care providers.

What do you offer that the competition doesn’t?

We perform most of procedures in the office, saving our patients time and money. The recovery is faster and our patients are much more comfortable. Also, our physician assistants and nurse practitioners basically run the clinic and we are able to get patients in and out on same day or the next day. A lot of ENTs in town have a several month waiting list.

How do you maintain your competitive edge?

I am a firm believer in taking care of the whole person. I work out regularly and encourage my employees to do the same.

How would you define your position within the marketplace or within your market segment?

We are very strong in our market segment because we have been able to find the niche of patients that need us.

What do you think is the biggest obstacle in operating a successful business?

Finding the right employees that believe in the same goals and dreams as you do.

What was your best business decision?

Hiring the best CEO in the health care industry.

What was your biggest missed opportunity?

We try to pursue every opportunity that meets the goals of our company.

What are your growth goals?

We have recently expanded into Texas and will be opening clinics in Las Cruces, Gallup/Grants, Carlsbad and Las Vegas, NM.

What is your company’s greatest challenge?

Trying to help health insurance companies see that covering in-office procedures—rather than making their members go to the operating room—is smart business for them and much better for the patients.

What contributions to the community (charitable or otherwise) are you most proud of?

We send our providers to rural parts of New Mexico where specialists are scarce. Sometimes these areas are in the middle of nowhere or aren’t very glamorous, but the people have a need and they are so thankful that we bring health care to them.

How has the Internet affected your business and how do you think it might affect your business in the future?

Our patients come to us very informed about their issue and the treatment options. That makes for a more productive visit with our providers.

In what area of your business do you invest the most energy?

Our employees, who in turn invest their energy into our patients. That translates to success in our business.

If you had to choose another career or start another business what would it be?

Is there such a job as being a professional fly fisherman?

What words of wisdom would you offer to someone starting their own business?

Trust in your ideas. You don’t have to do things the way that everyone does. In fact, to be successful, bring something new to your industry and love what you do.

Do you have a hero or mentor–business or otherwise?

Our CEO, Cliff Park. He helps me direct my energy and passion into opportunities that are best for my family and our company.

If there is one thing about Albuquerque or New Mexico that you could change, what would it be?

More streams to fish in!

What do you look for in prospective employees?

We are looking for employees who are kind and have a desire to serve others, whether our patients, their fellow employees, their families, or you name it. You can teach an employee a skill-set, but you can’t team him or her to be kind.

What inspires you?

My wife and children.

Three passions outside of work?

Bodybuilding, fishing and traveling with my family.

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