Culture Shock

Steven Robert Allen
2 min read
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Back in 1972, the New York Times published a glowing review of a novel by first-time writer Dow Mossman called The Stones of Summer. The review insisted that Mossman's book was a breathtakingly original literary experiment. Motivated by the review, Mark Moskowitz, then only 18, hunted down a copy of the book but couldn't get past the first 20 pages. Something about the book just didn't click with him. Apparently, he wasn't alone. The Stones of Summer has been out of print for 30 years.

Happily, this story doesn't end there. Moskovitz reopened his old copy of the book in the late '90s, and this time he couldn't put the thing down. He tried to buy copies for his friends. He tried to find more information about Mossman. He tried to search out additional titles by the author. He didn't have much luck.

So he decided to chronicle his search for the mysterious creator of the novel in a documentary. His journeys across the country in search of clues resulted in the amazing Stone Reader, which in turn resulted in The Stones of Summer being republished, once again, after all these years.

Moskowitz' documentary will screen at Madstone Theaters (6311 San Mateo NE) from Friday, Jan. 9, through Thursday, Jan. 15. I just saw the film a couple nights ago, and I can tell you that it's a genuinely heart-felt, exceedingly clever testament to the power and joy of reading. Everyone who loves books will love this film. Those who don't love books may have a religious conversion after seeing it.

On Saturday, Jan. 10, Mossman himself will appear at the Coronado Mall branch of Barnes & Noble to read from his book and discuss his amazing good fortune. Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about this warm and fuzzy literary story.

Contact Barnes & Noble by calling 883-8200. For details about the screening, call Madstone at 872-9712.

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