Art Magnified: Deep Research: Drawings, Collages And Paintings

Peter Voshefski’s Deep Research

Clarke Conde
2 min read
Deep Research
(Clarke Condé)
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Starting with the sheer volume of work, then continuing on to the variety of mediums and subjects, Peter Voshefski’s new exhibit Deep Research: Drawings, Collages and Paintings currently on exhibit at Inpost Artspace (located within the Outpost Performance Space) can be daunting to approach. As captivating and intricate as the work is individually, collectively it seemingly serves a more complex purpose. In Volshefski’s description of the exhibit, he indicates the works are “epic studies about the relationship between landscape, ecological systems and imagination.” Epic indeed.

Voshefski has segregated the exhibit into two sections. One wall is “Deep Research and experimental.” It is not for sale. The other, individual works shown collectively, are for sale. Among the wall of studies, drawings and collages, we find this unnamed piece that unveils something of the inner workings of Voshefski’s process but raises further questions about the nature of finality of process; the post process commonly considered the result. What is revealed in the notes and paint-color tests is rarely seen in finished exhibitions of work, because of course it’s not finished work. Or is it? Hanging there on the wall, it is presented as such by Voshefski through the transitive properties of his declarative statement. If finished work hangs on the wall with a price tag, and this hangs on the wall with a price tag, then must it be finished work?

The Inpost has done us a favor by presenting his work in a space that allows for viewers to linger and contemplate its complexity between musical and spoken word performances unrelated to this visual art exhibit. Maybe consider it an opportunity for your own deep research, conducted in your own imagination, about the relationship between landscape and ecological systems as you listen to the jazz and other such performances over the next month and a half there. There is no end to this type of deep research. At some point, should you choose to share like Voshefski has, you can just post your current thinking on the topic as he has and go back to your own research.

Deep Research

by Peter Voshefski

On exhibit through March 28

Inpost Artspace

210 Yale Blvd. SE

Deep Research

Clarke Condé

1 2 3 234
