Culture Shock


Erin Adair-Hodges
3 min read
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Sinatra may have sung “Love is a Many-Splendored Thing,” but I tend to think Nazareth had it right with its classic version of “Love Hurts.” Where do you fall on the love-spectrum? Has it brought you untold happiness, moments of ecstasy, or has it repeatedly re-enacted the scene from Alien, with you as John Hurt and your heart and everything you believe in as the alien? The world needs to know. Share with us here at the Alibi by entering our sixth annual Valentine’s Day Card Contest. Send in your entry, measuring no larger than 8 ½-by-11, by Feb. 2 , to our offices at 2118 Central SE, Suite 151, Albuquerque, N.M. 87106. Our cracker-jack staff of experts will assess your work and divy up the bounty that is your birthright, fair artist. But hurry. One entry per person, please.

Culture Shock Haiku! Bless You!

The third annual Albuquerque Haiku Championship, presented by ABQ Slams and the Japanese American Citizens League, will pit eight masters of brevity against each other to determine a city champ. While traditional Japanese haiku ruminates on nature and its relationship to humanity, it is entirely possible that the verses of the featured contestants (Jasmine Cuffee, Danny Solis, Rich Boucher, Zachary Kluckman, Kenn Rodriguez, Brooke Von Blomberg, Dustin Brown and Tony Santiago) will include references to the Frontier, Don Schraeder, green chile, La Llorona and Dick Knipfing. In fact, one could probably make a drinking game out of it—but make it a green tea drinking game, as the syllabic showdown will be held at the family-friendly Filling Station (1024 Fourth Street SW) at 7 p.m. The Japanese American Citizens League will also introduce audience members to Shigin (sung poetry), a tea ceremony, a flower display and a dance performance, all for $7. For more information, visit, or

Culture Shock Digital Killed The Analog Star

With the digital conversion, old-school televisions with dials are no longer just kitschy; they’ve been essentially rendered useless. Unless, that is, you are an artist, in which case they become yet another canvas. The Albuquerque Press Club and The Agency are both featuring works incorporating these TVs, and there’s many an art grad whose hovel showcases a TV aquarium. I was going to provide a list of ideas for creative re-use projects for your old set, but frankly, I’d be preaching to the choir. So sing for me, songbirds. E-mail me at with ideas, instructions and, better yet, pictures of reincarnated boob tubes. Neato ideas will get the recognition they so rightfully deserve.
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