Culture Shock

Steven Robert Allen
2 min read
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The glamor! The glory! The loot! Professional photographers seem to have it all, don't they? Hob-nobbing with sexy models. Traveling to exotic locales filled with white sand, blue water and toucans. Sniffing up dangerous chemicals in a dark room with poor ventilation. Is it too much to imagine yourself with such an exalted career? Of course it isn't, but you have to start somewhere. And that's where your trusty neighborhood Alibi comes in.

This year, we've decided to organize our first ever Photo Contest. All you amateur picture snappers should dust off your lenses and load up your cameras. We've created five fantabulous categories for your photo-taking pleasure. Here they are:

1) Albuquerque, Love It or Leave It: We want the best imaginable images of our city. For this one, our senior editor and all-round grouch, Michael Henningsen, insists that pictures of hot air balloons will be torn up and burned, so don't even try it. Be original, for crissake.

2) Mama Nature in New Mexico: Ah, it's just so picturesque out here in the high desert, ain't it? Prove it, buddy!

3) Local Celebrities: Don Shrader eating a hamburger. Mayor Chavez selling crack on east Central. Geraldine Amato applying for a job at Starbuck's. You know, that sort of thing.

4) Tantrums: Wailing, obnoxious, red-eyed, snotty-nosed kids or adults caught live on film. Oh, boy.

5) Blackmail: You know what I'm talking about. We want the most embarrassing pictures you can muster of your friends, your family or your public officials. I know you won't disappoint us.

Send your photos with the category indicated on the back to Alibi's First Annual Photo Contest, 2118 Central SE, #151, Albuquerque, NM 87106. One entry per category per person. Please include your name, address and a daytime telephone number and/or e-mail address. We encourage readers to send along brief descriptions with their photos to provide context for bewildered Alibi readers. Winning entries will be reproduced in our March 25 issue. We must receive your photos no later than Wednesday, March 10, at 5 p.m. For details, call me at 346-0660 ext. 251 or e-mail me at

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