Culture Shock

Steven Robert Allen
3 min read
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This Wednesday, Sept. 22, you'll have an opportunity to watch Leo Neufeld paint a portrait from life. And why, pray tell, is this such a big stinking deal? Well, as many of your know, Neufeld is a realist portrait master, and he'll be giving this painting demo entirely for free. If you're interested, just show up at the Harwood Art Center a little before 6 p.m. Over the course of the following two hours, Neufeld will showcase the techniques necessary to transform a blank canvas into a completed portrait. For details, call 242-6367.

Culture Shock

Over at the Albuquerque Museum, they'll be opening Miniatures, the museums 14th annual gala and sale, with a swanky preview on Friday, Sept. 17, at 5:30 p.m. For $50 you can join the party, guzzle some wine, hork down some hors d'oeuvres and check out some of the nifty little paintings and sculptures for sale. You can also have the satisfaction of knowing you're spending your money on a good cause, because the annual show of Lilliputian art is one of the museum's main fundraisers. If you can't make it to the preview reception, or you just don't have the cash, you can swing by the museum anytime between that evening and Dec. 12 to check out the miniature art created by dozens of talented artists. For details, call 842-0111.

Culture Shock

Recipients of the 2004 Governor's Awards will be honored this Friday, Sept. 17, at a ceremony from 5:15 to 7 p.m. in the Museum of Fine Arts' St. Francis Auditorium in Santa Fe. For the last 30 years, the prestigious awards have honored especially talented writers and artists in New Mexico.

Albuquerque musician Ralph Berkowitz—who's been a fixture of the classical music scene in New Mexico since the '40s—receives the 2004 award for music. Known as the “First Lady of Theater” in the southeastern quadrant of the state, Glynese Floyd gets the 2004 theater award, capping off a career in which she's directed more than 80 productions. A painting award goes to renowned New Mexico landscape artist Clark Hulings. The literature award goes to Santa Fe mystery novelist Michael McGarrity for his forensically detailed Kevin Kerney series.

Other awards went to Elias Rivera for painting, Nancy Youngblood for pottery, Native American art expert Ruth Schultz for individual support of the arts, and the Lannan Foundation for major contributions to the arts. The awards ceremony is free and open to the public. For details, call (505) 827-4378.

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