Culture Shock: Pretty Math, Computer Geekery And Lgbt Art

F’yeah Fractals

Patricia Sauthoff
3 min read
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For the mathematically uninclined, calculus looks less like math and more like an indecipherable secret language. Instead of explaining anything, it simply adds more mystery and, often, a little bit of fear. Fortunately, math fans and foes can get together under the domed ceiling of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science (1801 Mountain NW) to see math in action in a much more meaningful manner. “First Friday Fractals” takes mathematically complex geometric shapes, projects them, zooms in close to show their detail and complexity, and makes math beautiful. Shows are Friday, July 2, at 6, 7 and 8 p.m. The cost is $5 for kids 3 to 12, $7 for seniors and $10 for everybody else. Get tickets at or at the museum.

Culture Shock: Compress Yourself Compress Yourself

There’s this annoying message that pops up on your computer screen when the memory is running low. But in a world where music is digital and you’ve just got to have the entire second season of “Gossip Girl” on your laptop, it’s inevitable that, no matter how powerful the machine, it just can’t hold it all. The computer lovers (let’s not use the word “geeks” here) at Webuquerque want to help digital hoarders save space. From 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 7, local web guy Jack Moffitt shows off “The Magic of Audio and Video Compression” at One Up Elevated Lounge (301 Central NW, second floor). There are only 40 spots available, so head over to ASAP to register for the free-of-charge learnin’ experience.

Culture Shock: Gender Blender Gender Blender

It can be hard to figure out how to get your art into the world. Have no fear! The Harwood Art Center is seeking submissions for its October LGBT show. The event will take place in conjunction with the Southwest Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, and the theme for submission is gender. Whether that be identity, transgression or whatever, you’re the artist. The deadline to put your work out there is Tuesday, July 20. Send digital examples of work (warning: No PowerPoint!), an image list and an artist’s statement to or old-school it to “LGBT,” Harwood Art Center, 1114 Seventh Street NW, Albuquerque, N.M. 87102. Now get arting, you’ve got a deadline to meet.
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