Culture Shock: Submit Your Ideas To Art-Ify Some Alibi Boxes

Arty Boxes

Summer Olsson
2 min read
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I always want to see more art in the streets. Sometimes I walk past a banged-up paper distribution stand, electric box or dumpster and I think, Man, I could sure make that look cooler. I bet you do too. Since we just had a contest for writers (“Thanks for Flashing Us,” page 26), we thought we’d have a little fun with visual artists. We also need to do something to spruce up some of these old Alibi boxes.

Here’s how it goes: Send in your proposal for what you would do to an
Alibi box—paint it with goldfish, collage it, glue things to it, whatever. If possible, include a photo or a sketch of your idea, or a sample of your previous work.

We’ll choose the best—or most interesting, or weirdest—12 ideas, give the winners a $25 stipend for supplies and drop a box off at their homes. Three weeks later we’ll pick up the art-ified boxes and put them back to work along the Central corridor. If your proposal is chosen, you can make a piece of art that will be proudly displayed in public for all to see, while helping make the city a more beautiful place. We’ll run a picture of your art box in the paper. Sound good? There’s more. The
Alibi will create an audio walking tour that can be downloaded from our website. We’ll be talking about the artists as we walk to and look at their beautified boxes. Then lots of other people can listen to it, hear about who you are and go look at your work. I also have an accumulating prize pile on my desk, and I bet I could find you something nifty in there.

Rules, Regs and Fine Print

1) Email or snail mail your idea by July 1, 2011. Put “Art Box” in the subject line.

413 Central NW

Albuquerque, NM 87102

2) The finished piece still has to be a functional newspaper distribution box: i.e., the door should be able to open and close.

3) If chosen, you must incorporate “Alibi” somewhere into your design.

4) All
Alibi boxes are, and will remain, the property of the Alibi . Finished boxes will be placed at the discretion of the Alibi . 5) Put your creative cap on and have fun!

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