Culture Shock: Valentine’s Day Cheer And Jeer

Valentine’s Day: Love It

John Bear
2 min read
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Valentine’s Day tends to make me feel barfy. Another thing that makes me want to vomit is people who hate on gay folks. It’s a big deal. … I will now get off my soapbox and give an enthusiastic shout out to It’s Just Love. What’s Everyone So Scared Of? put on by the New Mexico Gay Men’s Chorus. I’ve never seen a gay men’s chorus live, only on television being used as a weapon against hateful people on a Michael Moore program. It was delightful. The concert series, to have the chorus people tell it, is about how love is unifying. Gay love is no scarier that hetero love; it’s also just as scary. Come hear cabaret, jazz and pop standards out at the VSA North Fourth Art Center (4904 Fourth Street NW) on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 11 and 12, at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, Feb. 13, at 3 p.m. Tickets are $20; $15 for students and seniors; $10 for kids ages 10-and-under. Show ’em some love.

Culture Shock: Valentine’s Day: Hate It Valentine’s Day: Hate It

Of course there are ways to hate on the day of love in a healthy way. My money is on whatever Jessica DuVerneay has planned over at Cellar Door Gifts & Gallery ( 147 Harvard SE). I judged a holiday-themed art show a little while back, and I’m still in therapy. DuVerneay knows how to make cheerlessness fun. On Monday, Feb. 14, she presents Screw You, Valentine’s Day . Starting at 7 p.m. local zine writers will speak of love, lack thereof and sex. After the reading, you are invited to participate in a zine-making workshop. Bring plenty of pens, paper, glue, markers—all the tools of the DIY publisher.
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